Minutes 04-26-71?~!Nb'rES OF TP~ .BOARD OF ADJUSTM~ P.~ZTING HELD APRIL 26, 1971~ 5: 30 P.M. CIndY H~J.L~ BOY~ON BF_ACH, F!DP~DA PRES~ ?~.~. Hueston ¥~. W. Yates lit. F. Ward Mr. R. Be~ne ~. E. Mahlmeister, Alternate ~,.,~'~'~. W, A~gess~ Alternate /er, Bu~ ] ding Official ABSE~ ~. E. Hester Mr. Hueston called the meeting to order at 5:30 P.M. Mm. Mabf~reister sitting in for M~. E. !~ester. ~. ~{~]lmeister moved that the minutes of the previous meeting be accepted as written~ seconded by ~. Ward. ~tion carried 5~0. Psroel # 1 Relief from 25' rear setback re, quirem.,ent to 8' rear setback Lot 6 ~ Gaymar Estates, Recorded in Plat Book 24 page 1t0 Palm Beach County Records Address: 149 S. E. 27 Avenue Applicant: Ernest Beyer .Mr. Beyer wa~ present at the meeting. He wants to put. a utility shed on the rear of his lot. He is concerned with the location required by the code as neigbdyors don't like this location. If he builds it in closer~ the nei~mbors would be u~Jhappy about it as it would obstruct the open yard~ in this area. Gardens ~nd landscaping are prevalent in ibis area. ~'~g~o Fred Nadler, 155 S. E, 27 .Avenue had no objection to granting the request and was fop requested location. No one appeared to object the variance request. P~. Be~ne moved that the request be granted, seconde~ by Mr. Mahimeister, ~,~tion carted 4~I. Mr. Yates voted no. Parcel # 2 Relief from 25~ front setback requirement to 20~ front setback. Lot 26, Block ~ Seacrest Hills ~ Recorded ~n Plat Book 25 Page 74~ Palm Beach Conmty Records Address: 602 $. W. 27 Avenue ~pp!ioant: Joseph A. Seiortino - 2 ~iuutes of the Board of Adjustment Meeting ~=~8~71 ~. Sclo~tino ,,~ D~=ent ~t fha me,ting, He is asking for relief of setbad(s so that he can build the houses to face t%e same way the houses a~e p~sentty facing. It is a cor~er lot. Lot is small in direction requested, but it ~ould be the only way to line up and. keep cc~ne~ with oth~er si~ila~ houses vie3unilT. ~. Be~e moved ~at the ~equest be g~anted, seconded by ~-~. Mmh!me{ster. ~tion ear, led 4~1. ~<m. Ward voted no. ~. Beane moved to adjourn~ seconded by ~'~. I¥[~nlmeister. 5~0o if~etiD~ adjour~ed at 8:10 P ~ Motion carried i~. R~e_~t I{ueston, Chai~en