Minutes 04-12-71:,fl%JDTES OF T~,~ BOARD OF ~flIUS~,~ ~ING ~]~LD W_©NDAY kPRIL 12 ~ 1971 CITY UALL BOYb.~I BE~ FLOP. IDA P~S~ ~-Se. R. Hueston I'~. F. Wa~d Mm. W. Yates I~. R. Beane If~,. W. Stur~ess Mr. Stuart B. Fuller, Building Official ~'~". E. Hester r~. Hueston called the m~eting to o~dem at 5:30 P.M. ~'~. Yates moved that the minutes of %he pzmvJ, ot~ meeting be accepted as ~Titten, seconded by }'52. %~ard. ~otion carried 5-0 o Parcel # ! Relief from requirements of one (!) acre for church purp. oses Lots !56~ 157 ,158 ,159 and 169, Blod~ "D" Boynton Hills Recorded in Plat Book 4 ~ Page 51 P~ Beach County Records to be used for a church add~ess: 911 N. W. ! Street Applicant: W. Salmi and Fdma Salmi~ his wife The land is be~veen 1/2 and 3/4 of an acre and one acre is required ~ build a ehurmh. ~k Henry Olsem~ Walter Dutch, 100 S. Federal represented the applicant, Rev. Hopkins.~ 1309 26th Court Riviera Beada was also present at the meeting. M,~, Olsen said he did not have the exact footage of the ~ + ±o~ but it is be~;een 1/2 and 3/~ of an acre. Rev. Hopkins said they propose to build a very small ehur~ no more T2aan ~0? by 50~ for church purposes only. %he rest of the land will be for parking. Conditional use is already g!wmted on proper~y~ vamiance for acre requirement only. Doesn't need ft~ther proper~y for this use. I'~. Yates stated that a church would be the hiDhest and best use fora this pamtieular piece of land. ~ere were no objectors to the variance request. Chairman, called for a motion. ?-'k% Yates moved ~at the v~iance be granted~ seoonded by I'~. ';,~.~ard. Motion caru~ied 5~0. Boar~ of Adjustment meeting 4-12-71 Parcel Relief from the follc~ing: 2 5 ~ front setback requirement to 10 ' 25~ rea~ setback reqtnirement to 19 ~ 8~ side setback requirement to ~ Lot 31~ Blod< 2~ Lmke Eden S/D Recorded in Plat Book 29~ Page 53 Palm Beach County Records Address: 906 S. ~. 27 CT. Applicant: George J. Cunmzins George Cumnins 915 S. W. 27th Terrace was present at the meeting. Hu_ston read a letter from._ ~-{r. Grin~s giving relief on the deed restrictions° The variance would all~ the sou~h east breeze to enter into the pool area and the bedrooms. Cul-de-sac area shortens the lot and makes placing a la~ge home~ as required by the neighbo~hood~ very ~ifficult. Front of house~ with vsmianee would be b~frJaad other holmes. M~. l,~lard moved that the variance be gmanted, seconded by I~. Beane° Motion carried 5~0. M~. Yates moved to adjourn, seconded by ~ War~, Motion carmied. Mee~g adjourned. ~uestOn f -Chairman