Minutes 04-05-71PRESENT l¥. R. Hueston ~. E. Heater }-~. R. Beane Mm. W. Yates ~. E. l'4ab~Jlmeister Mm. Ward Stu~mgess~ glternate Mr0 Elmo Eliiott~ Deput7 Building Official ABS~tT ' 1~. Foy Ward PR. Hueston called the meeting to order at 5:30 PoM. h~. G. M~h~ster sat in for ~.~o Fay Ward and ?r. Ward Stazmgess attended the meeting as an alternate: ~¥. Hester moved that the ,.minutes of the previous meetSng be accepted as vrritten~ seconded by ?:~. Beane. Motion carried 5~0. Parcel # 1 Relief from. the fo!lo~ing: 75? frontage requirement to 42' 20' rear setba~< requirement to S' 25' front setbad~, require_ment to 28~ 7500 sq. fto area requirement to ~780 sq. Lot ll~ Block. 8 Happy rIom..~ ~eights Recorded in Plat Book 11~ Page 30~ Palm Beach County Recoreds Address: 208 N. E. !2th Avenue Applicant: Rev. Jobm F. ?(~ite There is no available land on either side to buy° ~ue lot is 42 by 90. Would like to build ~ao family duplex. Rev. Jobm [~',~ite !82 No E. 12 ,Avenue was present at ~qe meeting. He had pLmns~ of the ~ype of building. It would be CBS construction. Lot of record owned before present zoning ordinance. i~'~. Hester moved that the variance be gr&nted, seconded by ~;~. ?fahlmeister. Motion e~ed 5-0. - Meet~g adjo~ed.