Minutes 03-29-71~KT,~3TES OF ,~'ir~ BOARD OF P~TO PDNDAY ~RCH 29, 1971 , CITY_ H~LL BOYh,~rON BEA(3~_ FI/)P=VDA AT 5:30 PRES~.]T ~. Robert, ~ton ~.~. Eze!l Hester M~. R. Beane Mm. Foy Ward Mm. G. }f~hlmeister ~. Stuart B. Fuller, Building Official Mr. Huestc~ called the _meeting to order at 5:30 P.M. Parcel 2 Relief from the follo~ing 20' mar' setback requirment to 18' existip~ 6' side yez~d setback requirement to 3" existing~ 75' front footage requirement to 50~ and 7500~ land area requirement to 6000' available Lot 35 $ $6 Block 12 ~ Boynton Heights Recorded in Book 10 Page 64 Palm Bead~ Coun%%, Records Address: 125 S. W. 1 Ave° Appli~nt: George A McLean Mm. Geomge Davis, Architect 1!00 S. Federal }~.Tf~ represented the applicant. It is a ~.~o story build/ng with ~o apartment UpStairs one d~m stairs and a garage. The buildiug is badly damaged and no repairs can be forth eom/ng until obtainiug a variance on non~conformLng..b~ldJ_n~ ' 'D~,zil~g :wa~ -~~ ~ present zoning ordinance. · - ~- e~.s~Lng befoz~? ~k~. Hester moved that the variance be granted, seconded by ~o ?~b/meister~ ~tion carried $-0. Paroel 1 Relief from 60' lot width requirement to 50~ for building 2 bedroom ~;elling lots 1! and 12, Block 3 ~ McDonald Park,. Recorded /n Book 12 Page 69 ~ Palm Beach County Records Address: 224 S. W. 8 Ave. Applicant: Joim C. and Mary Pomeroy P~. John Pomeroy 114 S, W. 3rd Street was present at the meting. ~r., Pomeroy purchased the property as part of a partnership. At that time you could build on a $0 foot lot. Need a variance to build on %he lot because he has a buvem fora the lot and property on either side is buitt. ~n. Has ~,~d prope~ sLuce ~fore present ord/nance went into effect. 15;,yo letters were received objecting to the vamiance~ P~. Robert R~ Brant and Mrs° Rose L. 65~en. "?~'inutes of the ~ of ~djust~ent 3-2:9-71 M~, Ward ~ that ~he variance be g~anted~ propep se~ad<s mUst be main' rained and ~l~.g permit in existance befo~ six ($) months. Seconded by ~. Heste~, }bt~on carried $-0. ~'° Mahl~eiste~mved t° a~J°urn' ~~}'i~i -~'{ester, -Motion ~ed 5-~, mmth~ a ' djourned~ t'~, Ro.ber~ ~ues~on~ Chairm~