Minutes 03-22-71I~S OF ~ BOARD OF ADJUST~ ~ETING BELD ~%01~D~ff MARO{ 22~ 1971 ai 5:30 P.M. P~S~ lqro R. Hueston ~. E. Hester Mr. F. Ward ~. William Yates ~f~o ~obert Beane ~,~. G. P~isater~ ~!te~ate ~. Hues~ ~ed ~e m~ng to o~er at 5:30 P.~. ~. Hester ~ved ~at ~e ~inutes of ~e l~t meeting ~ accepted ~ ~en, se~nded by ~'~ W~. ~on ~ed 5-0. P~cel ~ 1 Re~ef f~m 20~ ~ setba~ ~q~ment to S' ~ se~a~ eyist~mg ~t 12 ~d W,25~ of ~t 11~ BI~ 5 ~ Blo~ ~ ~we~ P~ Re~ed ~ Book 11 Gage 57 Ps~ Bea~ ~ty Re~ Ad, ss: ~06 S. Sea--st Blvd. ~plie8nt: M~. Victoria ~tel!o i~iro Stuart B. Fuller~ Building Official Mr. George Davis Architect 1100 S. Federal Higb~,~ay represented Mrs. Castello Mrs. Castello would like to add ~o apartments on the nor~ side of her existing residence. Needs a vamiance on the existing rear yardage. Would not violate any zoning regulation. Present residence built before present zoning ordinance requiring setbacks. There were no objectors present and no letters were received from anyone objecting to the varisnce request. F~. Ward moved ~hat tfhe variance be granted, seconded by ~. Hester. Motion oapried 5~0. Mr. Yates moved to adjour~ seconded by ~. Beane. Motion carried Meeting adjcurned. Robert Hueston, Chairman