Minutes 02-15-71MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF AD3U~ ~-*TING HELD MONE~Y~ FEBRUARY 15, 1971 at 5:30 City Hall, BOynton Bead~. Florida _PRESENT M~. Ro~er~ Hueston M~. Emell Hester M~. Rober~ Beane ~. Foy Ward }~. William Yates M~. Gene M~hlmeister, Altemnate M~. Stuar~ Futler~ Building Official }~. Hues~on called the meeting to order at 5:30 P.M. ~. Hester moved that The minutes of the last meeting be approved as written, seoonded by ~. Beane. All in favor. Parcel #2 Relief from 25' rea~ setback requirementto 20'b" rear setback. Lot 16, Block 13, Golfview Harbou~, 2nd. Sec. Recorded in Plat Book 27, Pages 46 ~ 47, Palm Beach County Record Address: 1321 S. W. 27 Avenue Applicant: ~. and Pk~_s. Edward William Cleary. Plan to construct a house ~hat would be 4 foot closer than the 25 foot sethaek. This was explained to be a short lot backed by a canal with ~-nsuffie/ent room fo~ design. No one append to object the variance. M~. Yates moved that the variance be g~anted, seconded by ~. Fester. All voted in favor. Motion ear~ed. Parcel #1 Relief fr~m 25' ream setback requir~wenT to 20'rea~ setback. Lot 5, Block 7 Golfview Harbou~, 1st Sec. Recorded in Plat Book 26, Page 178 Palm Beanh County Records Address: 1065 S. W. 27 Avenue Applican% !"~. and ~, Robert A. Brutl. ,~dding a ~4o ~ garage. One letter was read object/nE to ~ue variance. .This was also a shor~ lot backed by a canal and wouldn't ~tock vision or breeze. ~m. Ward moved to grant the va~iance~ seconded by ~. Hester. All in favor. ~<btfon carried. Parcel Belief from 60' frontage requirement to 50' frontage. Lot 69, Laurel Hills, 2nd Add~n. Recorded in Plat Book 22 Pg 1 Palm Beach County Records. Address: 501 N. W. 7 Ct. Applicant: Patrick J. Distasio. M~. Ward stepped dcwn at this e{me due to interest in the case. ~. Mahlmeiste~ replaced him. - 2 - Board of Adjustment 5 ' February 1 th meeting M~. L~ Giddings represented Mr. Distasio. ~oted ~at ~e~ was no adjac~t l~d a~l~le. ~t of ~ ~ed for sever~ ye~. ~. Hester ~d ~at the v~~ be $~ted, seined by ~. ~ist~. -~ ~ fa~r. ~n ~ed. ~. Foy W~ ba~ to ~ ~ a ~~ ~er. t~a~ loz n~ 7500 sq. ft. but ~s s~tly n~em ~ ~d. f~tage ) ~t 29/31, 7.n~., ~st Vi~ ~~d ~ plat ~k 23, Pg. 15~, P~ ~a~ ~m~ Re~ ~ss: S. W. ~mem S. E. 2t Ave. ~d S. E. 3 St. Applier: ~. W. O~g~y plied to b~ld ~lex on ead~ lot, ~ ~s~ve~d ~a~ if ~e lo~ ~ ~ed ~ ~ ~d be b~lT. She ~ gong to b~g a plot pl~ to ~e build~g dep~nt ~d ~ply fop ~ ~iTs. Wi~ v~i~ ~uest. P~el ~8 Relief ~m 25~ ~ se~ack ~qui~t to 2~' ~ se~a~ ~t 11, BI~ 12, ~g G~en, 2nd add'n, ~ed ~ Plat ~k 2~, Pg. 155, P~ Bea~ ~m~ Re~s. Ad, ss: 102 Sea--st ~ App~T: ~loP R. g M~ie ~Pa }{~le b~e ~g ~a ad~on. No om aphid to obje~ ~e v~~. ~ f~ ~. Paul ~u~ ~~~g ~aT ~e v~i~ee be ~ted. e~ spa~ fora ~e f~ly. M~. W~ m~ed ~at ~e ~i~ be ~Ted. secon~d by M~. Yates. ~ ~ed. A letter was Need All in favor. Paz~el # 7 Relief from 25' rear setback requirement to 11'7'"' rear setback Lot 3, Block 7 Mission ~11, Recorded in Plat Book 24 Pg. 178 Address: $$00 Ridge Lane Applicant: Dr. William D. Black No one appeared to object the variance. Request would place addition even with existing enclosure. Need extra room for family. Mn. Beane moved to gr~nt~ the variance, seconded by ~. Ward. All in favor. Motion csrnied. Paroel #8 Relief from 25' rear se%back requirement to approx. 21' a~ady existiug Lot 2, Block 10 ~ Forest Hills ~ Recorded in Plat 25, P. 57, Palm Beach County Records Addmess: 722 S. W. 27 Place Applicant: M~. and Mrs A. ~ongi - 3 Board of ^djus~ent ~e~ing 2-15-71 I~. War~ stepped down because of in~eres~ in the case. Replaced by M~. Mahlmeiste~, ~lterna~e. Would like to close in porch that is already existing. Would not exceed existing setbacks and need extr~ room for family. No one appeared to object the variance° M~. Yates moved to grmnt the variance, seconded by .Mm. Hestep, All voted in favom, ~. Wa~d moved that the Hoard not hea~ more than four eases on any meeting night, there was no second. M~, Beane moved to adjourn, seconded by }-~. Yates. All in favom. Parcel ~3 Cancelled before the ~meting. Meeting adjourned at 6: 00 P.M.