Minutes 01-25-71~LD JA}~iARY 25, !971~ 8:30 C!~' HALL~ BOY?,5~N Br._A~I~ FLORIDA Rober~ Eueston Ezell Hester Rober~ Beane Bill Yates Fey Wa.rd Ward Sturges Mm. Elmo Elliott, Deputy Building Official MeetJ_ng called to or, er at 5:30 P.M. M~. Ward moved to accept the m/nutes as corrected, seconded by Mz,. Yates. Motion ~ed 5--~-0. Parcel # 1 Variance to enclose carpo_ z~ end sideyar~, variance on side setbad.c from 6~ required to approximately 1' existing Lot 9~ Block 7, Central Patak ~nuex Recorded in Book 12~ P. 51 ~ Pa~_m Beach County Records Address: 112 S. E. 12 Avenue Applicant: Clifford Huge M~. Hester moved that request ~ granted~ seconded by Nm. Yates. Notion carried 5--0. Parcel # 2 Relief from, 7500 sq. ft. requirement to 5,235.5 sq, f~. and relief fr~m 75v lot width requirement to 50~ ~,~ ~ 432 ~d 433~ ~e~ Hills Re~ed ~ Plat B~k ~, P~e 58 PaD~ Beach ~n~ Re~ ~ss: ~5 N. W. 12 ~venue ~pli~t: ~l~us ~iel Request: to b~ld one sto~ d~lex. F~. Ward moved that the request be grsnted~ seconded by M~. Beane. carried 4~0. ?~. Yates abstained. Motion Parcel Relief from 25' rea~ yard setback to 6-1/2' Lot 152~ Block "D" Boynton }~[lts Recorded in Plat Book 4, Page Sl Palm Beach County Records Add~ess: 908 N. ~,:,,'. 1st Street Applicant~ Nathaniel .*~exander Request to build between house and garege. ream yard setback. ~-~. Hester moved that request be gnmuted, seconded by h~¢. Yates. Motion carried 5-0. ~'~inutes of the Board of Adjustment 1-25-71 ~'~. Beane moved ~co adjourn, seconded by Nz, o Hester= Meeting adjourned at 6~:00 ~,'btion carried 5-0. Mr. Rober~ Hueston~ Chairman