Minutes 01-11-71PRES~ Mr. Robert Hueston M~. Ezelt Hester !~. William Yates Mr. Foy Ward Mr. Robert Beane ~. Ward Sturges ~ Alternate Mr. John Coogan ~ Alternate Mr. S ~tmart B. }l~!!em~ Building Official Meeting called to order at 5:30 P.M. by ~o. Hueston. Existing Board sat as a Board to review 1~.e recommendatiom from previous meeting under Old Business. ~. Hester made a motion to accept ~e minutes of the last meeting as presented, seconded by ~. Yates. Motion carried 4~-.0 · P~. Ward nominated ~'~. Robert Hueston for the position of Chairm~n, seconded by Mr. Hester. Ail in favor. ?nere ~..,mz'e no other nora/nations. Ail voted aye. Mm. Ward nominated Ezell Hester for Vice Chair~r~n~ seconded by Mr. Yates. .Ail in favor. There were no o~qer nora/nation. Ail voted aye. }~r. Ward nomLnated ?~m. Bill Yates for See~mtary, seconded by ?~r. Be~ne. All in favor. There were no other nominations. All voted aye. The first regular meeting of ~ae B(~rd is scheduled for ¥ond~y ~ January 25 at 5:30 P.M. A motion to adjourm was made by Mr. Hester~ adjourned at 5: 45. < by ~¥. Ward. Meeting Mr. Poba~t Hueston~