Minutes 12-28-70Lff~fUT~..,JS OF ~i2 BOARD OF CITY HALL~ ..%,9~0N' BFACH~ ~LOP~DA P~ES~ William Yates Ezel! ~esteP Hax~y LaForte Mu. Elmo Elliott Building Official deputy ABS~,Tf Mr. Wil~am Tiersbier ?inures of previous meeting appzoved, all voted yea. Parcel -fi 1 Relief from 7 1/2~ side setback requirement on both sides to 6~ ~'~ setback o~ the East side and 3~6"~ setback on ~he West side Lot 57~ Block 11, Chapel }{ill Recorded in Plat Book 2g ~ Page 1!1 PaLm Beach CounTy Records Adct~ess: 983 P'Rssion I{il! Road~ Boynton Bea~.h Applicant: Dr. A. %/Tn. Fomeyer Request of D~, A. ~illiam Do~myem fora variance to present propertT, A discussion foll(~,~ed FDtion made by Fro. Ward to grant the variance on condition that The new addition meet ~e deed restrictions and present side set back of seven fee~ mhd six inet, es. All voted to gr,ant the variance Meeting adjourned 5:45 P.M. ?~o Robert Hueston~ Ch~r~n