Minutes 12-21-70P~SENT !qr. Robert Hueston ~.R. Willi~ Yates EY. Foy Ward Mr. Harry LeForte Mr. William Tiersbier Mr. Stuart B. Fuller, Building Official Mr. Ezell Hester t~eting called to or~r at 5:55 P.t,q by.~m. Mr. Yates made a ~mtion to ~~ the ~nu%es f~m ~e pre~ous ~et~g ~Ti~ten. ~o~ secon(md by ~ r. ~.ar,,~. No .... ls~ss~on on motion ~d all ~ted aye. ~utes ~p~ved ~ Parcel ~ 1 Relief f~m 25' f~nt s~tbm~ re~ire~en~ to 19.9' f~nt setback Lot S Block 45~ P~m Bea~a Leisurevit!e Sec 5A ~r~d Ln Plat ~k 29~ Page 36 Palm Beach Cmmty Records AdJress: 616 S. ~7. 21 Ci~le Applicmn~: Caldos A~lt Co~nit~ Inc. Present for ~ld~ - Rick P~ssi ~ Engineer mhd Jorge ~charte. Cal~s ~.~t ~ity is r~uesting front setback vat,ce. ~.,~. Jorge ~d~a~e ~m fonvard to e~lain ~at the I~gineers had set lot ~d b~I~g st~es off by mist~:e. Mr. Yates creme fom~a~ to e~lain ~at ~e~ we~ ~o co,ers wi~~: a lot in between. ~e o~site co,er had a ~i~ setbad~ ~d su~eyo~ had ~parently used this ~ a ~ide by mistmke. ~,~Rddle lot ,~11 be adjured so ~ to ~ly on sides ~d ~herefo~ only a f~nt se~bad~ vari~ce is needed. Co.er ho~e is closed Ln ove~,.ead. ~ai~ ~ked for objectors ~d n~e c~e fom~,ard to object to ~e ~ri~. i~,~r. ~gemm~ ~d Yrs. Vargeson objected to tr~h mhd s~d ~ e~f lot be~n ~er lo~ ~d. if ~is were t~i~n care of they would have no ~jections. - 2 ~'~inutes of the Board of Adjus~nent December 21, 1970 Chairman called for a motion. I~,~r. Yates made a motion to grant front se+Joack variance as sh~ on the plan submitted. ~. Tiersbier seconded motion and chairman called for question. There was no furtJ~.er discussion. All 'voted aye and variance was granted. Parcel # 2 Relief from 6' side setback requirement to 4.92' side ~ :~, "s~acl( on the eastside. Use - to build a garage Lot 24, Blod( 17~ P~,~ers Park Recordmd in Plat Book 11, Page 57 Address: 145 S. ~. 8 Ave. Applicant, I,.~arie ~. Bwing Petitioner cm~e forward, mud stated that neighbors cat was ruining her car. Plot shc~.m Board shows that this is a Corner lot and granting this variance would decrease yard on S. B. 1st Street to less ~tn five feet. Board members noted that there was plenty room to build a garage off S. £. 1 Street in tsar of p~o~rty and still hold necessary setbacks. No carport is existin~ at present so any work would have to be new from. th~ start. Chair- man wins-of apinion that this request should not have been submitted. Chairman requested any objectors to come foz%~*ard. There were non present. {~airman requested motion and a ~otion to deny variance Yates and seconded by ~,'~. Tiersbier. ~11 voted aye made by ~r. was denied. Motion to adjourn was made by voted aye and Board adjour~.ed at 6:00 Yates. All