Minutes 11-30-70Robert Hueston~ G~.airman Ezell llesger ~o¥ Ward I~/illiam Ya~s Harry LeForte ~ ~te~a~e Mr, S~Uart ~. ~uller, Building O~ficial Absent -. ~. C. Tiersbier Nr. RicZ~ard Doughty called to order Parcel # 1 Present for.petitioner, h~rs. George }~uckte. ~lief f~m requi~t of 7S~ ~d~ a~ f~t b~t~ng 1~ ~o 68' width at f~t b~ld~g ~t 25, L~ M~or Isles Recorded ~ Pl~t ~k 24, page 211 Address: 6~6 S. E. tl Ave. Appiiom~t: D~. George T. Hackle R~ues~ front foo~ variance. k~s. George Huckte came for~mrd for petitioner and. stated that they wanted to build on subject lot. ~e introduced ~,.Ir. To~., architect, ~nd he said this was to be a single f~ily residence, split level type. ~,~res. Huakie . furfller said that flzis was a lo~ of record and couldn't be used for anything tmless this variance ~as ~ranted. They intend ~o build mice residence, Do nol want any otlier variances, Mr, Yates then explained that there hhd been several similar cases cored before the Board in recent times and that this wa~ the c~ly way these lots could be used. To him it was a hardsh~l to have a lot and not be able to use it. Chaiman called for objectors and there ~re none present, [~e then read a letter into the record ss objecting. Mr.~tard made a motion to . g-~mt variance. ~btion was seconded, by ~. Hester All voted aye and variance was grated.. -2- ~c~inutes o£ Board of A.c~jus ment 12-30-70 ~ti~utes ~ro~ previ°us ~-~ester, seconded by ,~,,~r. ~,~i'ard. At! voted aye ~d ~nutes ~ere approved. ~txon ~& to adjouu by ~r. t~anf .~d seconde~! by ~.:tr. LeForte' All voted aye and ~eet~g adjourned at ~,~r..~obert ~k~eS~on~ Chair~