Minutes 11-23-70l~,~nutes of the Board o£ .Adjustment Held, November 23~ 1970~ $:30 P.[(!. City Hall, Boynton Beach, Florida PREsser Mr. Robert Hueston ~r. Foy ~a~d ~,~. Ezell Hester ~,~r..~chard Doughty Mr. Ha~ L~o~e (~temate) Mr. Elmo Elliot, Building Official, Deputy Mr. William Tiersbier (Present) ~eting called to order by ~'~r. Robert Hueston at 5:30 P.M. i'~iuutes of previous meeting approved as read. P~aring for a variance for ~. Vestal, from 60' zoning to 50', Lot 197, Laurels Hills 4th. Mr. Vestal appeared before the Board and stated that he owned said lot and could not buy anymore land as there ~as not any for sale on either side of his lot. A moti°n was made bY ~r. Doughty to grant the variance, seconded by ~,~r. Hester, a vote was called for and all VOted to grant the varimnce. ~.L:eting adjourned at 5:45 P.?4. ~. P~bert Hueston, (~mirman