Minutes 11-16-70PRESI:~ ~,:r. R. Hueston i'4r. E..[-lester 1,,fr. !~f. Yates ?:-¥. ~/,L Tiersbier ~,-~r. R. Bough~y Stuart Fuller, Building Official ~.'~. H. LeForte ~airmmn called meeting at ~nutes from last m~eting noted and motion to ~prove as writtenmadeby ~.~. Hesterand seconded by r,'~. Yates. Ail votedaye and minutes approved. Present for petitioners~, iqr. Jack ~!aldie, ~.~r. Leu S~ ?,.ir. Glaston Sinm and 3'~r. Harold Bland'~ette for r,,~: Parcel # '2 To consider extension of six month time li~.it granted on Ja~nuary 7.9 ~ 1970 on Lot 19~ Block 8 Central Park Annex Subdivision ~ecorded in Plat Book 12, Page S1 l:'alm Beach Coumty Record~ Address: 123 S. hr. 13 Avenue 6~-mer: ?~'[r. Lucien A Sa~Mn ~,"-x. Leu SmMrn c~m~e for~mrd to explain that he had obtained a variance for SO foot frontage on the above lot in t?,~ past but that it was granted for six months mad ~at t~,~e time had e~¢ired before he bad built. This lot is one of n~uy in City wbid~ was on record, before Zoning Ordinance was passed and no additinna! property ~.vailable. These type lots are in many places ~,, the City. ~-'i, tion made to grant ~s before wit~-~ a six montl~ time lib?it by ~¥. Yates. Discussion held by ~,~r. Yates and r4r. Samyn as to ti~e limit and reason therefor. ~ason for time limit to encourage builders to proceed. ?r. Yates left motion as made and ~4r. Hester seconded. Ali voted aye and motion carried. G'~'anted with a six month ti~ limit. -2- Board of Adjustment 11-16-70 Parcel # 1 Relief from 25 Poor front setback require~.~ent to 19 feet front setback fro~-, closest point of radit~ created by the cul-de-sac Lot 8, Blo~c 16, Forest I~ills ~(ecorded in Plat Book 25, Page 57 Palm. Beach. Cotu~ty Records Address: 917 $. h~. 28 Avenue Applicant: Dan Sin~ermmn ~r. Jack Waldie came fonvard for petitioner. Requests a variance in the -.front setback requirement as tl'le lot is cn~ a cul-de-sac and radius is such t~hat file house will actually line ~ 34 feet from front as measured on lot sides, while only 19 feet at center of radius. This would m~$~ front of house line up actually behind, existing hom~s on the street. /"his is a hardship on because of tb.e lot shape. (~airm~u read a letter of objection and put it in record. No objectors were present. A motion to grant the variance was made by Mr. Hester and seconded by [~fr. Tiersbier. All voted aye and varimnce was granted. Parcel Relief from 20 foot rear setback requirement to 10 feet rear setback Lot 145, Bloc/( 'D'~ Boynton Mills Recorded in Plat Book ~, Page 51 Palm~ Beach County Records Address: 104 M. W. 9~h A3~enue ~oplicant: ~r. Glaston E. Si~s Request variance from 20 feet to I0 feet in rear of proposed building. This is made necessary to allow for proposed widening of Seacrest Boulevard, as requested by Palm Beach County. ~.~3r. Blanchette discussed this with the Board and stated iqr. Sinm needed room for his barbershop and that moving barbershop back would not hurt building, etc., further, lot is wedge shaped and hard to use. C-1 zoning runs from N. ~¢. 7fl~ Avenue, North, for depth of lots and this would fall in the right zone. ~.~. Si~$ also explained his request and stated that service was needed. Seacrest Boulevard proposed future widening wor~ a hardship on him. Chairman read three letters of objection and entered, the~ into the record. No objectors were present. -5- ~oard of Adjustment November l§, 1970 ~(otion to grant variance Vms made by ~.'fr. Doughty and seconded by ~r. Nester. ~11 voted aye and variance ~,.?as granted. ~,btion to adjourn ~mde by ~r. Doughty m~_d secon6.ed by ~T. Yates. aye and meeting sdjourned at 6:20 Ail voted. ~4r. Robert }~eston, Chairman