Minutes 10-26-70~O~uRD OF ABYdS~"-"!!NT ~-%I~_,nfES OF IvM£TING OF OCTOBER 26~ 1970 5:30 P.i~% , CITY ?gLL, 59~,FfON B~AQ~ FLORIDA ~_. ~lmo Elliott, Deputy Building Official ?4eeting called to order by b~r. Hueston at 5:50 It,~. Lingafeiter's request for front variance was brought ~o. ~,~r. Yates asked about the side line set back 8nd Hrl Lingafelter said ~r. Wertz ~d blt. Hu~ford had given him ~e variance ~d had si~ed ~e pl~ sub~tted, a short dis~sion follm~,ed. ~. Ward made a motion to ~m~t ~e vari~ce. a vote w~ called for. ~1 members voted to gr~lt the vari~ce. ~r. ~~ ~a~ ~ mo~io~ ~o ~o~=. ~~~~ ~eting adjourned at 5:40 P.bL ;~ ~/ ~ ~ Robert t~ueston, ~mi~