Minutes 10-12-70Stuart Fuller~ Buildin~ Offi~ia! ~4r. P~ichard ?.oughty ~4r. U. Tiersbier came ~nd stated that he would come bac~r if a quon~m was not available but he had sic~ess in the family. called meeting to order at 5:30 '" TM Parcel # 2 Y%~riance to build on 50' lot Varia~ce to authorize const~ction of an ai~mdnum tool sbe¢l on proper~ for horti~l~ral, hobby u~e pu~oses only Lot 23~ Block- 7: Lake Do,.ton ~states~ Plat ill 9~ecorded in Plat Book 15~ Page 32~ Palm l~saC'~ Co~ty P~cords A~dress; 705 S. ?'. t Ct, ApDtlc~I~: Joim L, Jack, son N~r. JacJ[son c~e fon~ard to *2~.e ~'~icropbone ~n,~ stated he lived at 806 I~.~. Ocean E~rive in Leisurevilleo F" had purchased the lot i~ -l" ~, que~ ~o,, for the specific purpose of planting f!~^~ers and trees m~d r~s~g ~,!=,,-~ he ~-~,~ ~3 is a Horticulturist ~.d ~.~,zl~-" ~ ' soon retire. ~i]~.is is a hobby -' *' l~,l..i-~ h~'~<, s~c~. nee(~s a place to keep his tools on the lot, ~zis lot is at present overgro~a~ '~rJ~q wee~s sm ~d~,~v he proposes is six by eight ~eet anc wi~I mee~ w'~ ~-,' ~,, · ;.~: Jackson flten presente~ the Boa~ with a brod~ure showing this buildinf. ?qr. Jacksov~ work on fi~is lot would be an i~6~rove~ent. Chainnan called for objectors and a ,,:r. Olaf Nordon, '~' ,,~ ~'~ 6.-,.4~ S. I% !St Court, came fo~qard. Stat~. he would ra~her s~~-~+~,~lt~on~r' ' ~ ,<uald a ~7,ome first. If a varig, ce is grm~.~ed, what would prevent~lm~-' f~ bui~din~ a garde or other b~id~g? .... = Board told him~ C~,is could be lmmxt~c' " ~' !~y ~:totion~, if made. A letter from one objector was ma~ into t~e record,. ~:r. ~?. L. ~rr, Sterling .i!xage~ cm?e fo~ard ~nc~ asked what could he done Board of ~%~jttstment - 10-12-79 wit% his lot ~id~. adjo~us petitioners. Stated he ~as m4ned t~bis property s~nce 1925. ~' ¥- ,,~.~&n erplained procedure concem~,g use of fifty f~t lot of record ~nd Yr, ~arr state~ he bad no objection to ~,~r, Jackson's request. ~,~r. iqalter Cat!in, lives ~,¢o blod:s South of pr~erty~ c~e fonvard ~n.d told of p~t work of ?-':r. JaCkson in this Z~e of wori:- ~d. w~ of the ~ion that it would beatify ~'~is !o~ a~d be a c~dit to t~te neig]~5o~b.ood. ~ai~u ~ked for ~y 9~rther objections mud there were none. ~zm~ called for motion ~,d motion w~ ma~ by ?r. tfard to g~t a m~x by eight foot accesso~z shed ~ r~uested provided other set ..ac~:s~ etc., ~e Met. ~,{~ti~ seconded by ~.'~r. f~ester and all voted aye. ~quest w~ grated. Parcel $ I Pmlief from 25 f~t rear setb~{ r~irement to 20 ~ 4," send, ack Lot 16, ~lock 13¢ ~Ifview }~a~our 2nd Section ]~zecorded in Plat Book 27 Pa~es 46 ~ 47 P~!m ~each Cotmty ~:~ecord~ A~fdress: 1321 S, V. 27 Avenue A~?p!icant: ;'.Y. and ?;rs. Jo~'~n H. G~sm~ Q}ai~ called for ~p~sentation from petitioner. No one c~e fo~qard. Board disc~sed this c~e ~d c~npare,¢ to od~er lots ~at had been sir~i!ar] ~veral ~mmbers were of ~oinion t~at :=et~:acks ~d ~st~ictions on ~ese lots were ~¢a'l when *d%ey we~ purchased 8,nd proper ~-n~¢- could, be desi~.ed for ~em. Di~,'t spear to be any ~.~ ' ~..- ~e~'~ ~ai~ called for motion ~d ~otion ~a$~ to deny request by ~.'~r. Yates. ?btion seconded by ~(r. ~' Aester m~d all ~te<~ ~ye. ~'~otion carrJ.ed and vari~ce i",'btion to approve,", minutes from previous ~';eeting made by ~-,[r. Hester, seconded by ~:fr, '!,~fard. All aye and ~inutes approved, as written° ' ~btion to adjour~,~, n~ade by I~r. Yates and ~*¢ard. All voted aye and ~eting' adjoun~ed at 6:00 P.?/. ~/ ~ ~