Agenda 06-29-23 City of Boynton Beach Art Advisory Board Agenda Thursday, June 29, 2023, 6:30 pm IN PERSON MEETING Boynton Beach City Commission Chambers 100 East Ocean Ave, Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Listen Only Via Zoom https:Hus06web.zoom.us/j/84838964513?pwd=KzBzcU9RSDNiRU8wZFVUS2Q3QO5OZzO9 Meeting ID: 848 3896 4513 Passcode: 029572 Art Advisory Board Members Clovis Moodie, Vice Chair Cynthia Alexis, Board Member Gregory Hartmann, Board Member Phyllis Pacilli, Board Member Ace Tilton Ratcliff, Board Member Sam Velazquez, Board Member Ellen Jones, Alternate City Staff Glenn Weiss, Public Art Manager Sophia Burnston, Public Art Intern Catherine Cherry-Guberman, Minutes Specialist I. Call to Order a. Roll Call b. Excused Absence Requests c. Appointment of alternate(s) for absent member(s) d. Agenda Approval or Amendments II. Approval of Minutes Motion: May 11, 2023 meeting minutes are approved as written or amended. (Ex. A) III. Informational Items from the Board IV. Public Comments V. Announcements/Reports/Presentations A. Exhibitions a. Turgo Bastien and Traditional Haitian Artists: Closed on June 25 (Ex. B) B. Grants / Fundraising Boynton Beach Art Advisory Board Agenda, June 29, 2023 Page 1 Boynton Beach Art Advisory Board Agenda Package June 29, 2023 Page 1 a. Mellon Foundation Application $100,000 Grant submitted on May 23, 2023 b. Florida Grant: Governor approved the Art Grants at 67% of proposed awards. C. Closed Opportunities a. Six Sculptures Application: Closed on June 7 with 474 applications Cl. AiPP and Private Development. a. Development Page Update (Ex C) VI. Action Items A. Motion: The artwork proposal titled "Harmony" by Patti Warashina at South Florida PBS / WXEL, 3401 S. Congress Avenue, is approved to satisfy the Art in Public Places requirement for the Cornelia T Bailey Cultural Arts Center addition. (Ex D) Note: Artwork location was approved by the Board on July 14, 2022 B. Motion: The following artists accepted into the Artist Roster 2023-2026 for possible selection for public art projects with the City and others. Carlos Azuaje, Daniela Sanchez Vegas, Delia Miller, Elise Rubin, John Carollo, Keith Doles, Lee Bell, Lupe Lawrence, Melissa Mastrangelo-Diaz, Michelle Drummond, Richlin Burnett-Ryan, Sara Augustin, Sitki Dogan and Tiffany Beasi Note: The review and voting by the Board was on May 11, 2023. (Ex E): VII. Old Business None VIII. New Business None IX. Future Agenda Items X. Adjournment Attached Items Exhibit A: May 11, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes Exhibit B: Haitian Art Exhibitions Exhibit C: Private Development Update Exhibit D: Patti Warashina proposal for WXEL on S. Congress Ave Exhibit E: Proposed Artist Roster with voting tally. Notice If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, he/she will need a record of the proceedings and, for such purpose, he/she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceeding is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based (F.S. 286.0105) The City shall furnish appropriate auxiliary aids and services where necessary to afford an individual with a disability an equal opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, program or activity conducted by the City. Please contact the City Clerk's Office (561)742-6060 or (TTY) 1-800-955-8771, at least forty eight hours prior to the program or activity in order for the City to reasonably accommodate your request. Additional agenda items may be added subsequent Boynton Beach Art Advisory Board Agenda, June 29, 2023 Page 2 Boynton Beach Art Advisory Board Agenda Package June 29, 2023 Page 2 to the publication of the agenda on the City's web site. Information regarding items added to the Agenda after it is published on the City's website can be obtained from the office of the City Clerk. The Board (Committee)may only conduct public business after a quorum has been established. If no quorum is established within fifteen minutes of the noticed start time of the meeting, the City Clerk or her designee will so note the failure to establish a quorum and the meeting shall be concluded. Board Members nay not participate further even when purportedly acting in an informal capacity. Boynton Beach Art Advisory Board Agenda, June 29, 2023 Page 3 Boynton Beach Art Advisory Board Agenda Package June 29, 2023 Page 3 EXHIBIT A Minutes of the Art Advisory Board Meeting Held on Monday, May 11, 2023, at 6:30 P.M. At City Hall Commission Chambers 100 E. Ocean Avenue, Boynton Beach, Florida PRESENT: Clovis Moodie, Chair Glenn Weiss, Public Art Manager Ace Tilton Ratcliff Hector "Sam" Velazquez Cynthia Alexis ABSENT: Dr. Phyllis Pacilli Courtlandt McQuire Gregory Hartmann I. Call to Order Clovis Moodie, Board Chair, called the meeting to order at 6:35 P.M. a. Roll Call Self-introductions were made. A quorum was present. b. Excused Absence Requests None. c. Appointment of alternate(s) for absent member(s) There are no alternates on the Board. d. Agenda Approval or Amendments Motion Mx. Ratcliff moved to approve the agenda. The motion was duly seconded. The motion passed unanimously. II. Approval of Minutes Motion: March 13, 2023 meeting minutes are approved as written or amended. (Ex. A) Boynton Beach Art Advisory Board Agenda Package June 29, 2023 Page 4 EXHIBIT A Meeting Minutes Art Advisory Board Boynton Beach, Florida May 11, 2023 Motion Mx. Ratcliff moved to approve the March 13, 2023, minutes. Ms. Alexis seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. III. Informational Items from the Board Mx. Ratcliff said that they saw the Sailfish opening, it was great. There was consensus that the sailfish were awesome. Mr. Weiss stated that Saturday night is the reopening of the Boynton Art Walk. He advised that he will be there with a table, if anyone wanted to join him. He noted that the Walk had closed since COVID and is now reopening. IV. Public Comments None. V. Announcements/Reports/Presentations A. Exhibitions a. Turgo Bastien and Traditional Haitian Artists: Opening May 18, 5:30- 8:00 (Ex. B) Ms. Alexis announced that they will be celebrating Haitian Culture. She advised that the Flag Raising event will occur at about 7:45 A.M., and Jane Marcel is providing Haitian patties, which is typical Haitian breakfast food. She said that someone will talk about the Haitian Flag, how it was designed and what it means, and that in the evening, they will have art, Haitian performers and a Haitian fashion show. She stated that they were still working on obtaining a food truck, and she invited the members to attend. B. Grants / Fundraising a. Mellon Foundation Application $100,000 Grant due May 23, 2023 Mr. Weiss advised that Tessy LaCroix, the City's Grants Writer, and he met with the Mellon Foundation via Zoom and they should receive the $100K grant at the end of the July, and if awarded, they will write the check the next day. Mr. Weiss clarified that these monies would fund the Heart of Boynton Unity Project next February. b. State of Florida Budget: Only 40% of Funding Approved by State. 2 Boynton Beach Art Advisory Board Agenda Package June 29, 2023 Page 5 EXHIBIT A Meeting Minutes Art Advisory Board Boynton Beach, Florida May 11, 2023 Mr. Weiss explained that instead of the State funding all the submitted requests, they are only funding at 40%. He said that he was unsure, based on the rankings, if the City's request would be funded. C. Upcoming Opportunities a. Six Sculptures Application: Due May 25 (Ex C) Mr. Weiss added that this is for the Board's information. He explained that all of the artists artwork will be online for 24 months, so that each developer can go through the list and pick an artist. He said that he has an intern from Dreyfoos School of the Arts assisting him, and he commented that he thought better quality artists were needed. D. AiPP and Private Development. a. Development Page Update with Oakwood Square Images. (Ex D) Mr. Weiss reviewed the new projects, including the Potter Townhouses, that are wanting to put art on Federal Highway, and the Bride of Christ Daycare Center, who wants to place a sculpture on MILK Jr. Boulevard. He noted that Baywalk Apartments also wants to place its art on Federal Highway. VI. Action Items A. The Big Bench by Andrew Kovacs at Oakwood Square owned by Eden's is approved and satisfies the Art in Public Places requirement for the remodel of Oakwood Square. Mr. Weiss explained that this item was for the members' edification. Mx. Ratcliff noted that the way to enjoy the art at this location was to have some shade. They noted that there was shade or umbrellas in the original concept and wondered if it would be brought in. Mr. Weiss explained that there will likely be tables with umbrellas and that the area should have furniture, but it was not part of the art proposal. He also pointed out that the developer spent twice as much on the artwork than was needed to satisfy the AiPP requirement. Motion Mr. Velasquez moved to approve Action Item A. Mx. Ratcliff seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. B. Review of artist applications followed the Motion (Ex E): The following artists are accepted into the Artist Roster 2023-2025: 3 Boynton Beach Art Advisory Board Agenda Package June 29, 2023 Page 6 EXHIBIT A Meeting Minutes Art Advisory Board Boynton Beach, Florida May 11, 2023 Mr. Weiss advised that rosters are typically used for smaller projects that need artists. He reviewed the Bogo and cabinet wraps, the sidewalk stencils and street decals. He said that Public Works is interested in trying some of these projects if they can find the artists to do them in some neighborhoods. He advised that the Barton Cemetery entrance will have a new fence, and that there will be a fish display rack at Oyer Park, with the funds for the latter coming from Public Works, but it will have artist input/concepts. Mr. Weiss showed the members the slides of the various artists' works and he explained that all of the artists are fine, as far as resume's and being a public artist. He pointed out that this roster is limited to Florida artists and that this exercise is for the Board to decide if the artists meet the Board's standards. He requested that the members write their names on the tally sheets, which he will collect after the members watch the presentation, and that he will tally the artists and announce who will remain on the list at the next meeting. VII. Old Business Presentation of Annual Report to City Commission on April 4, 2023 (Ex F.) Mr. Weiss reviewed the report and announced that the City Commission was very pleased with the presentation. He said that they asked many positive questions. VIII. New Business Avenue of the Arts 2024 Options Mr. Weiss stated that in order to obtain art for next January's Kinetic Art Event, he needs to started on it now. He explained that he thought that they should ask artists to make small sculptures, scan them and have them made into larger sculptures. The pieces would be 3-D etched by a computer in compressed Styrofoam and sealed. He said that he attended an art conference and that the price to rent sculptures is increasing to almost $5K a piece, which Orlando pays, but the budget for the City's Kinetic Event is $10k. He mentioned that he is concerned about getting high quality work. He explained that Kinetic is different, because the artists want to be part of the event, but that sculptures are different, because as it is not necessarily an event people would participate in. He clarified tha the sculptural pieces would be on pads. He spoke about different ideas, including 3-D items, involving a router Chair Moodie stated that with this presentation, the issue is the final product and cost. She suggested that in addition to looking into those two items, the Board might want to see a presentation of what has been done in the past, and Mr. Weiss can show that work at the next meeting. There was agreement for Mr. Weiss to obtain more information. 4 Boynton Beach Art Advisory Board Agenda Package June 29, 2023 Page 7 EXHIBIT A Meeting Minutes Art Advisory Board Boynton Beach, Florida May 11, 2023 Mr. Weiss explained that at the conference, attendees were informed that another way to help keep costs down is to engage one artist who has multiple pieces. Mr. Velasquez asked if non-profit organizations could participate. Mr. Weiss responded that they can participate in the mural program. He spoke about the rules for the program. he said that at the conference, one artist created a mural for the blind by carving shapes into concrete blocks shapes so people can touch. Chair Moodie recalled that the Library has a braille piece on the second floor. IX. Future Agenda Items Chair Moodie said that she would like to develop a calendar to help Mr. Weiss keep track of the various exhibits they need to be aware of. Mr. Weiss said that he will provide one and he requested the members try to let people know of the openings on the Board. X. Adjournment Motion Mr. Velasquez moved to adjourn. Mx. Ratcliff seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 7:43 P.M. 1 � Catherine Cherry Minutes Specialist 5 Boynton Beach Art Advisory Board Agenda Package June 29, 2023 Page 8 EXHIBIT B Haitian Heritage Month Art Exhibition Boynton Beach Arts& Cultural Center May 18-June 25, 2023 )i3��1 � lhv" n 1+ dR�t } 1llij leff "�j�R,}l �)j��\ f. r r ' i E. in yy A6- 4 t f ? First Floor: Turgo Bastien l�1�y� : 1 0t + , t f € s £ It 61 I }p q r i ' tf� t2 s1)tlUlSl+ 'i�i?s??1111) r>>f��s}i��' } f 1 �flair( NT t i Boynton Beach Art Advisory Board Agenda Package June 29, 2023 Page 9 EXHIBIT B Haitian Heritage Month Art Exhibition Boynton Beach Arts& Cultural Center May 18-June 25, 2023 t r r k t 1 � r ���s�ttt����� t .. t S Traditional Paintings by Haitian Artists Vi ti t ` §� v h C t �tilt�t , r Boynton Beach Art Advisory Board Agenda Package June 29, 2023 Page 10 FY23 PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT Future Public Art, June 9, 2023 EXHIBIT C P za t 2- 13J - a 73 4 M lC5}B i dr h A : .= d Potter Townhouse k it c� niuri 8 si o Y Blvd t °° Qack qij�ge BN C L z E 7 th Ave b. Boynton Office BoC Daycare =Old B n d Sub-Cultureh aVilla es & Pierce Apts z c,s vd Ocean One Apts Shalimar Apts. Broadstone Apts O an e Town Square Apts C n �kry r olbrght KU in B E 1.9th Riverwalk ID Er Im o C d L9 Bethesda Hosp. WXEL/PBS 7 I Pawn Shop r a � Alt KRI Bay Walk Townhouses cbrLn d a patine 2r C Q M M Completed Artwork Approved * Artist Selection in Process Future Public Art Possible Murals daiRSrYlg�eP��cAI19( o'i�Ylg49�6�n%2Package June 29, 2023 RED TEXT: Updates since I cdpff FY23 PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT Future Public Art, June 9, 2023 EXHIBIT C Art Completed, Needs Final Approval Projects in Discussion with Staff (Continued) Riverwalk E. Woolbright Road and Intracoastal Ocean One Apts ( By Hyperion ) Light sculptures and parking garage grill. Ocean Ave and Federal, NE corner Art sites, artist & artworks approved. Seeking sculpture on Ocean at Federal Hwy Artist Mark Fuller. Installation Complete Dedication on June 6, 2023 Baptist Health, Bethesda Hospital East 2815 S Seacrest Blvd & 26th Ave SW Art Design Approved Sculpture Call to Artists Due June 7, 2023 Delray Palm (Voluntary w/$5,000 Support) 3377 S Federal Hwy Town Square Apartments (by Times Equity) Mural Design: Full Art Board Approval Apartments at Boynton Beach & Seacrest Artist: Kristin Pavlick, Mural in Process Construction Fence Project with Artist Images Art Location Approved Potential Future Protects with Art WXEL/PBS Cultural Arts Center 3401 South Congress Avenue Bride of Christ Daycare Sculpture in Entry Garden on Congress 202 NE 11TH AVE Boynton Beach Office Condo Bay Walk Townhouses 1102 N. Federal Hwy & M L King Blvd. 3103 South Federal Hwy. Mural on ML King Boynton Beach Cottage District (AiPP Funding) Broadstone Apartments 121 NE 4TH AVE 212 S Federal Hwy & SE 2nd Ave Two sculptures on Federal Hwy Potter Townhomes 2508 N FEDERAL HWY (At Potter St) The Pierce Apartments (by Affiliated) 115 N. Federal Hwy & Ocean Ave, NW corner Sub-Culture Restaurant Seeking sculpture at Ocean & Federal and Mu- 211 East Ocean Ave (Historic Magneson House) rMurals on Shipping Containers al facing railroad on garage Sculpture Call to Arbsts Due June 7, 2023 Donation to Public Art Fund Projects in Discussion with Staff Publix Distribution Center 5500 Park Ridge Blvd Shalimar Apartments 3520 W. Boynton Blvd & Knuth Rd Developer talking with an Artist The Villages Apartments 405 E Ocean at 3rd Street Seeking sculpture on Ocean at railroad daiRSHig�A)��cAI19( o'i�Yg 49�6�n%2Package June 29, 2023 REDTEXT: Updates since l d EXHIBIT D SOUTH FL .. I CSA, OPBS BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH FLORIDA PBS OFFICERS Public Artwork Acquisition Michael J.Zinner,M.D. Chair Artwork Title: Harmony Artist:Patti Warashina(b. 1940) Peter L.Bermont Medium: Cast aluminum with epoxy-painted surface Immediate Past Chair Scale: 15' x 7' x 7',inclusive of an 18"planter and an 18"concrete base.Music will emanate from within the base. David C.Prather,Esq. Location: In raised triangular planter at the front of the building. This space had previously been Chair Elect identified with tiles but is being redesigned to have foliage around the artwork.This will create a raised Leonard Klorfine barrier so viewers will be able to walk around the artwork,but not touch the artwork. Vice Chair Lighting: To be finalized.The sculpture will likely be lit from below at night. Lisa Mendelson Patti Warashina was chosen by a Leadership committee and approved by the Board of Trustees of Vice Chair South Florida PBS. Her whimsical sculpture will ignite the imaginations of all viewers, specifically Charles M.Tatelbaum young children, and encourage them to engage with music. Vice Chair Art Acquisition Mission: Nicholas Perricone,M.D. South Florida PBS art acquisitions will stimulate creativity and artistic exploration,sparking the Secretary imaginations of children and adults.Artwork will be used to inspire, educate,and engage viewers in the vibrant cultural ecosystem,through identifiable imagery that speaks to its diverse community. Susan M.Mansolillo Treasurer South Florida PBS is a trusted and beloved community leader,therefore artwork chosen will align with its core pillars:Kids&Education;Arts,Music&Culture;Environment& Science;Health& (RECTORS Wellness; and Civic Engagement. Artwork will invite educational opportunities for people of all ages, Sandy Batchelor abilities,and backgrounds.Visual art and sound will be used as constructive tools for engagement and Fred Berens creativity. Irving Bolotin Approach: Mark W.Cook The outdoor entry sculpture will visually represent the positive influence of music on one's well-being Margaret Eidson,M.D. and creative self. George T.Elmore Timeline: Harvey A.Goldman The extensive fabrication process will take approximately two years. An installation date will be David L.Jaffe,Ph.D. determined in approximately one year. Michele Kessler Process: Carolina Lanao A diverse and eclectic group of artists nationwide were considered for this project. Each artist had Elizabeth Nabel,M.D. experience at different levels in the public realm. Of high interest were artists who combine imagery Tony Newbold that would engage the imaginations of young viewers.After review by the Leadership of South Florida PBS,a short list was identified and asked to present designs.This included an artist in Florida,as well Daniel E.Ponton as artists in other regions of the United States. Handel R.Robinson,M.D. Heather Rohan Laurie Silvers Essie Yates,M.D. Dolores Fernandez Alonso President&CEO 1.877.272.7867 Miami—Dade Palm each 800 S.Douglas Road,Suite 205 3401 S.Congress Avenue Development@SouffloridaPB Sorg Miami,FL 33134-3185 Boynton Beach,FL 33426-8401 Boynton Beach Art Advisory Board Agenda Package June 29, 2023 Page 13 w fit, - trl� , `tss y r t t 1 ff } r\+1sSs\ll st iS4����is s11 to (� li ... (f4 t � � a 1',IIt �l�y y�la t)bv`1t�vii $ !si est .frit Is;, !r y _ r... �,. f .�... � rt.:..� .. � �3{ s ,>� ,r��t1,5-.� \. } .r�tl�, s }.f t,i✓i6� ���tty�it,f������3}i���)�tt£F�)��������������;'rr}S}�'���5 t)�r�i+ l�l,.tri}ilF�t,irr}i 0 } � s ) } v � il1 } } sr s t r y t I t r 4 LO 0) M 04 W 2 W c� 7 + STM, 4 .s"Y x...®. N r Ci' N a`r yam. a 1 y, (YO (0 i ae S3 _ U t MA 03 1:- EXHIBIT D PRE LI M I NARY ARCH ITECTU RAL RE N DE Ill NGS .r^ IN CORNELIA T.BAILEY CULTURAL ARTS CENTER MAIN ENTRY—FACING i lH, x i _ C �E s SOUTHEAST PRELIMINARY ARCHITECTURAL RENDERINGS 'LTL"P, pp € "ss 1fkSmil �� '. � rnrnn�orataBSY�� >r v' ' VENTER U)B�Y Av,%r `t � � ARTS Si11C110 �� �i c, 5 lk ) It f CORNELIA T.BAILEY CULTURAL ARTS CENTER OVERALL FLOOR PLAN Boynton Beach Art Advisory Board Agenda Package June 29, 2023 Page 16 EXHIBIT D PRELIMINARY ARCHITECTURAL RENDERINGS r h CORNELIA T,BAILEY CULTURAL ARTS CENTER s- ��vl• w o sJ`s� PATIONOHTHWEST 114, SECURITY 16, ENS VESTISUtE m _ ' COMMON LOBBYI VIM ��r ` r`i`�} �i �r iy�rrt� ^,�"y} } �� � u� )�i{�t�� � 'R 1�'`�`" ��its v ���'arU �� � � • ,��,�z� Boynton Beach Art Advisory Board Agenda Package June 29, 2023 Page 17 EXHIBIT D 77i G 1 f � C 7 Il , 040 f al 4 6 I rr 06 h � J w nw a i I r I 4 r s I � I ,• e 4 F 7— r i o 1 . d CO r a � a Boynton Beach Art Advisory Board Agenda Package June 29,2023 Page 18 �XHI6IT D �o4 f r IS jL ( � f s i r , c I t _a, I. I� �I s f � i p s e � E a F f i , c�Boynton Beach Art Advisory Board Agenda PackaeJune i29,2023 P ge 19 i f } Srt } I{ t� rf tS}i}4 r zu a aa� v is y i � r , s,11ijiv 1{i s - t t>tVA,t sl t ssva r i` rent s')syts}�sri�}slt s\"sli`(} tr, sll,rnssl s\yi,!\\`S it,'t jtl)�lssf�)i!`yri{,t { tt Il,�it41)i}�s_li r.:y y ,,st, i+„\,}yi iJ Strt14\f�a�ril)}sy�y\1 >{Ilt,i,�(},y,ly}l4y'i1�s}nS?j� #jll�l��i)`1(}iSSjtcj}4111)}ij\�}Ji �§��. — — t S 4 ,rl tl )itF�iy}stljtr i it�7t r57 it r r i { { , R f � f { — c J t s j_ s ) _ 4 k ( a i , 4 , 3 1 r rl� I rl r r r- y I _ 5 �t{�IS r 1 r s'i1� r i trrs t i .1��� r - v�, `•� t, F 44411U� - r- U (I . t' asp o r u r r,}�sr( , ,,•. , i nt,,, s 13'(, � } �}}�t�S't?l���t r� ( ��� }�! '�i7 lam' � .r �.,-_ E 1 �'S,� - r r ,. i r ,.,tr;E -, f:4, ' �' °v ��i ; �� � , �� � ,,t� �tf?�r�lYy,�7it��)l���y�1����{t},,`i3ltt3 Yr}}I,�tbtiAl�'�' t1�Syti�411'41•r`r�EJt ,}h�jrU},tlh; s, , err,, .,1�,,r 1. rr S. 1u1 , ., A...AE,_. .�s-.. 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( �)) a �'s}� Siru11},11; -��` r,,.rtti;;. t s rl .,.,1�11i�,t�r��}.::1 � f1�4-,,1�i11t,1} ihr„ a,L�11st1it£f;• 2. ) ��11 f�i\���} '�•�-- rz1i;T}l�l1 t)��14f�1i1�Stt£i1i1 }.i1f,i(1�1fi �t� { 14 �\ i. (- 1114I�1 t1 h4,,,1 1 1t�4,.,,5, r�1i s1 1 i i1 •a,1 241, � } „ l Sir,„i•,�,,4„ 4 t., 11:1... �j fi a 2 rfit S i �f - , EXHIBIT D � �a "Dreamer" (2022) i{1st r 12 x 13.5 x 8 H W D ft. Painted cast aluminum Location: Westlake & Republic Streets, Seattle, WA Invited by: Vulcan Real 7 t Estate, Seattle, WA ifrili, 1 Started: 2019 Installed: 2022 vY s t Statement: The female figure in "Dreamer" lies on on a "dock" on her stomach, hands on chin, knee bent. A fish in the water looks at her while one . rests on her feet. She appears to be pondering the purity of nature, and is meant to provide calm to any and all people gazing upon her. The r , figure and the fish are made of cast and painted aluminum. s Y� ! i t9luu t t t tt4tr Y t Boynton vi y " u 2 3 Page 25 s } r� 1 'i t t+rll g, r tis t �� rt t{ Y��1r� is }�ti 11 d s tf rt i r k r tai` si - I - , t� r a rr r rr �I t V 4 7 i Mq i �4 lei low. r" - ikbc4 `0 tr rj f; i �! l .,tiv �S J 2r�,� �� i�����i{ ���`•its iii}5 ._i [ �. �6 �lU i� �4 `S !t�7 � �ils{�j)}h��� 'C � .�:z .S �� a, 1 tt j t f 6� MM r z �1 t Zi3j , �{y�1h Z g } } f oil 7 }l „t i i{1 S} ll"", t "Mona �f} t, lt} S}S sr �� •� �riv���}�{�'{ �t{ ����ii}>Sh�iit���f����4 lr����1��� t t K� I' { tw _ d t V t V,� }Snlrr,I- tt 00 {( ANTt fu{f { s i a t k � V w v. t pp � V V ff �t •!pt' � ',,i�� �--, �54�� `(�j �.{ `� � ��� � � i��?��r�J 1111��� Si!€�Fw�f i tl��� c r i VI Itl� t I f Ih4 � I t i. 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Usi�} VIA 0 3 } ! yi S i N INC 1� } S�� Slilst jsti } Rv—vim ssl7 r ie ij�S{y �4S �� ys Ss slss 111\ >sti t s lits} y5t0 tsy!As�$sst r ss aSl,, 's st�l�Ui>1 1st � ` 1"} 4yINN, sur z }1i } ' 1 _ ! } gni Ion, } s of , `\ � ss 4 S3NIF { } }} 1�ss�}1 Ss y1 z jit s_s..f�..Ina . s }x1} , I, }jl - �s, ,'I+ � q�} IN,, i t IN '7 ki`i41Y)sss A s 1i�ti asl + 1 Alt s+v '4 tt`A 1?1R f ' k } lily, i } i EXHIBIT D �. '` .TT v i�i«i �� iii1� .i �r�u4��{tj?������- 1 4 t �I �: Tt1s1„ t - a ik S F i��t��_y �sTsi44ti' - p f11j SS iiT r tS t11 F11� _ z3;iilr�ta u>>�i\it`� r�ib��1 '� #dn Beach Art Advisory Board 19 � �� EXHIBIT D s CARE & MAINTENANCE OF PAINTED CAST ALUMINUM "Harmony" is a cast aluminum sculpture and has an epoxy painted surface that is very durable and similar to automotive paint. The following paint system is what is used on "Harmony" 1. Tnemec Catalytic Primer (#161); 2. Tnemec Fluoronar (#1070); 3. Tnemec Clear Coat (#1076). The performance of"Tnemec" products is excellent for surface stability and color fastness. "Fluoronar" is the top-of-the-line color coating, and the clear coat offers an added layer of protection against color fade. Maintenance schedule: Wash and clean the painted surfaces on a semi-annual basis to remove typical atmospheric deposits, dirt, grime, bird droppings, etc. The painted surfaces should be hand-washed with a mild solution of"Envirotex Zyfo Cleaner"(non-ionic cleaner), water and soft cotton rags. Avoid using any abrasives or coarse brush scrubbing during these cleanings. If staining or graffiti appear on the painted areas, avoid solvents and harsh chemicals. It is recommended to use Meguires#4 heavy cut cleaner (liquid rubbing compound) applied with soft cotton rags and hand-rubbed to remove any blemishes. A final hand-applied coat of"Meguire's Mirror Glaze 26 Hi-Tech wax" should be included in any annual maintenance procedures for all painted surfaces. If the paint is ever seriously compromised down to bare metal, both the primer and color coats can be field repaired by brush or roller application. For maintenance questions on "Harmony" you can contact Blue Mountain Fine Art by phone at 541-523-3001 or email at bluemountainfineart@msn.com. A local art conservator could be another resource for maintenance issues as well. t;rJ ur City, Oregon 97814 [31,iofle t^ � .�)< (,,,iz,11) 5,,"3-3001 I_I i:k3 : 7iLd'I'1��§�I1tiA!'113t1 C�(rli�..xVt.r� Itt Boynton Beach Art Advisory Board Agenda Package June 29, 2023 Page 34 EXHIBIT D Conservation Plan Follow-up Questions: 04/28/23 Dena Rigby: Am I reading it correctly that it should be hand washed twice a year, and waxed once a year? Travis Fouts, BMFA (Fabricator Supervisor): The cleaning twice a year and waxing once a year is what we recommend. D. Rigby: Should they expect any color fading over time? T. Fouts The percentage of color fade is something I can't put a number to. This paint is like automotive paint so yes over twenty years the paint is going to degrade very slowly over time. D. Rigby: Are there any joints/connections that will be particularly vulnerable to weight and should be considered "fragile?" Patti mentioned concern over the wand having a tarp over the piece if they wish to wrap it for protection during a major storm. T. Fouts: No concerns from us on any joints or connections. If they were to wrap the piece for protection, they would want to make sure it's wrapped tight like some sort of boat wrap shrink wrap. If the covering is loose at all in the wind it could damage the paint. D. Rigby: I thought Patti might have said the base would be steel versus aluminum. Will the base attachment to the concrete be painted? Will that need any recoating with a special paint to keep it sealed? T. Fouts: The base will cast aluminum unless Patti or the engineer specifies. The base attachments will be stainless steel threaded rods that are epoxied into the concrete so not maintenance is required for this. Boynton Beach Art Advisory Board Agenda Package June 29, 2023 Page 35 EXHIBIT D PATTI WARASHINA pat.wara@comcast.net http://pattiwarashina.com BORN: March 16, 1940 EDUCATION: 1958-62 University of Washington,Seattle,WA B.F.A. 1962-64 University of Washington,Seattle,WA M.F.A. AWARDS& GRANTS: 2022 American Craft Council Gold Medalist, Minneapolis, MN 2021 The Meloy Stevenson Award of Distinction,Archie Bray Foundation, Helena, MT 2020 Smithsonian Visionary Artist Award,Washington, DC 2019 Commission for Private Outdoor Sculpture("Dreamer"). Installed March 15,2022.Seattle,WA 2018 United States Artist Fellowship, United States Artists,Chicago, IL 2014 Distinguished Educator Award,James Renwick Alliance/Smithsonian American Art Institution,Wash., DC 2012 National Endowment for the Arts Award 2012 Timeless Award, University of Washington,Seattle,WA 2011 Legends Award,Watershed Center for the Ceramic Arts, Newcastle, ME 2009 Award for Northwest Sculpture Collection,TriMet PublicArt Program, Portland,OR("City Reflections") 2009 Regis Masters Award&Exhibition, Northern Clay Center; Minneapolis, MN 2008 Voulkos Fellow Award,Archie Bray Foundation, Helena, MT 2008 PONCHO Artist of the Year Award(Northwest Artist), Morrie&Joan Alhadeff,Seattle,WA 2003 Distinguished Alumna Award, University of Washington,College of Arts and Sciences,Seattle,WA 2001 Lifetime Achievement Award/Woman of the Year(Twining Humber Award),Artist Trust,Seattle,WA 2001 Invited as visiting artist for a cultural exchange,as part of the World Ceramic Exposition in Incheon,South Korea. 1992 Honor Program Award/Commission, King County Arts Commission,Seattle,WA("Mercurial Miss") 1992 Arts/Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty Scholar Award, University of Washington,Graduate School Fund 1986 Northwest Special Collections Award Commission,Seattle Arts Commission 1%for the Arts, Portable Works Collection,Seattle,WA("A Procession") 1986 National Endowment for the Arts Award 1980 Governor's Award of Special Commendation for the Arts,Olympia,WA 1978 World Craft Council Travel Grant,Japan/United States Friendship Committee,and Ford Foundation Grant (traveled to Japan, Hong Kong,Thailand,Singapore, Bali,and Philippines). 1975 National Endowment for the Arts Award 1972 University of Washington Graduate School Research Fund. HONORS: 2016 "2016 Patti Warashina Award for Emerging Artists,"Museum of Northwest Art, LaConnor,WA 2013 50-Year Retrospective Exhibition, Bellevue Art Museum, Bellevue,WA 2012 50-Year Retrospective Exhibition,American Museum of Ceramic Art, Pomona,CA 2007 Archives of American Art,Smithsonian Institution,Oral History Interview, Nanette Laitman Documentation Project(Interviewed by Doug Jeck). 2006 Elected Honorary Member of the National Council on the Education for Ceramic Arts(NCECA) 2005 Artist Images Series Featured Artist, University of Washington Libraries,Seattle,WA Boynton Beach Art Advisory Board Agenda Package June 29, 2023 Page 36 EXHIBIT D 2001 Invited to give a series of presentations as part of a cultural exchange sponsored by China Worker's Center for International Exchange(CWCIE).Traveled to Shanghai,Yixing, Beijing,Xian, Hong Kong. 1994 Elected Member to American Craft's"Council of Fellows,"New York City, NY 1994 Archives of American Art,Smithsonian Institution. Personal"lifetime"papers collected. 1991 29-Year Retrospective Exhibition, Bellevue Art Museum, Bellevue,WA 1983 Elected Member, International Academy of Ceramics, UNESCO,Geneva,Switzerland 1980 Governor's Award of Special Commendation for the Arts,Olympia,WA SOLO EXHIBITIONS: 2022 Patti Warashina, Marmot Art Space,Spokane,WA 2022 Patti Warashina, Perkins Coie Law Offices,Spokane,WA 2019 Patti Warashina:Approaching a Clay Narrative,Otterbein University,Westerville,OH 2018 Patti Warashina:Transitory Conversations, Mesa Contemporary Arts Museum, Mesa,AZ 2016 Thinking Clearly,Abmeyer+Wood Fine Art,Seattle,WA 2014 Patti Warashina:Scrutiny, Davidson Gallery,Seattle,WA 2013 Patti Warashina:Wit& Wisdom,50-Year Retrospective, Bellevue Art Museum, Bellevue,WA 2012 Patti Warashina:Wit& Wisdom,50-Year Retrospective,American Museum of Ceramic Art, Pomona,CA 2010 Patti Warashina:Conversations, Howard House Gallery,Seattle,WA 2009 2009 Regis Masters Exhibition, Northern Clay Center, Minneapolis, MN 2006 Northwest Print Center, Portland,OR(2 person) 2006 Bridge 9,Society for Contemporary Crafts, Pittsburgh, PA(3 person) 2004 Patti Warashina:Real Politique, Howard House Contemporary Art,Seattle,WA 2004 Patti Warashina, Loveed Fine Art,Gallery Pahk, New York City, NY 2004 Patti Warashina:Recent Works,Jundt Art Museum,Gonzaga University,Spokane,WA 2001 Patti Warashina:Mile Post Queens, Howard House Contemporary Art,Seattle,WA 1991 Patti Warashina:Ceramic Sculpture 1962-91,29-Year Retrospective, Bellevue Art Museum, Bellevue,WA SELECTED EXHIBITIONS: 2018 On The Edge,works from permanent collection of the Seattle Art Museum,Seattle,WA 2018-19 Familiar Faces&New Voices:Surveying Northwest Art,from permanent collection of Tacoma Art Museum, Tacoma,WA 2017 From Funk to Punk: Left Coast Ceramics, Everson Museum of Art,Syracuse, NY 2017 BC to BC:Contemporary Ceramics from Baja California to British Columbia,San Diego Art Institute,CA 2017 Bodies&Beings:An Invitational Exhibition of Figurative Sculpture,Abmeyer+Wood Fine Art,Seattle,WA 2017 Women Working With Clay, Eleanor D.Wilson Museum at Hollins University, Roanoke,VA 2016 NCECA Honors&Fellows Exhibition"(50th Anniversary). Leedy-Voulkos Art Center, Kansas City, MO 2016 Ceramics A to Z:AMOCA's Permanent Collection,American Museum of Ceramic Art, Pomona,CA 2016 Seattle Art Fair,Century Link Field Event Center,Abmeyer+Wood Fine Art,Seattle,WA 2016 Matched Makers: Northwest Artist Couples, Museum of Northwest Art, LaConnor,WA 2014-17 Inciteful Clay..Three-year,nine-city tour of the work of 26 ceramic artists who use their medium"to issue provocative critiques of current social and political inequities." 2015 Divergent Currents:The Ripple Effect of Japan on American Ceramic Artists,Clay Art Center, Port Chester, NY 2013 The Price of Freedom,Walkers Point Center for the Arts, Milwaukee,WI 2012 ArtPalmBeach, Loveed Fine Arts, New York, NY,West Palm Beach Convention Center, Palm Beach, FL 2012 Marks:Sculptors in Two Dimensions,Washington State Convention Center,Seattle,WA 2012 Around the Bend and Over the Edge:Seattle Ceramics 1964-1977, Henry Art Gallery, University of Washington,Seattle,WA 2012 Without Boundaries:Transformations in American Craft,Craft Alliance Gallery,St. Louis, MO 2011 Seattle As Collector:Seattle Office of Arts&Cultural Affairs Turns 40,40th Anniversary Exhibition at the Seattle Art Museum,Seattle,WA Boynton Beach Art Advisory Board Agenda Package June 29, 2023 Page 37 EXHIBIT D 2011 From the Center to the Edge:Celebrating 60 Years of Creativity and Innovation at the Archie Bray Foundation, Helena, MT 2010-11 First Biennial Clay Throw Down, Bellevue Art Museum, Bellevue,WA 2010 ArtPalmBeach, Loveed Fine Arts, New York, NY,West Palm Beach Convention Ctr.,West Palm Beach, FL 2010 L.A.Art Show,American Museum of Ceramic Art, Pomona,CA, LA Convention Center, Los Angeles,CA 2010 Show of Hands-Northwest Women Artists 1880-2010,Whatcom Museum at the Lightcatcher, Bellingham,WA 2009 Tell Me a Story:Contemporary Narrative Ceramics, University of Northern Iowa,Cedar Falls, IA 2009 International Ceramics Invitational 2009,Armory Art Center,West Palm Beach, FL 2009 Large Ceramics:Selections from the Permanent Collection,Arizona State University Art Museum& Ceramics Research Center,Tempe,AZ 2007-09 Craft in America: Expanding Traditions(seven-city traveling museum Exhibition). 2007 Form and Imagination:Women Ceramic Sculptors,American Museum of Ceramic Art, Pomona,CA 2006 Natural Elements:Selections from the Permanent Collection,Contemporary Crafts Museum, Portland,OR 2006-07 Human Form in Clay-The Mind's Eye,international exhibition,Shigaraki Ceramic Cultural Park, Shigaraki,Japan.Also traveled to Museum of Ceramic Art, Hyogo,Japan. 2005 Diverse Domain:Contemporary North American Ceramic Art,Yingge Ceramic Museum(YingKo Museum), Taipei County,Taiwan. 2004 Contemporary American Ceramics(1950-1990).Traveling exhibition sponsored by the National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto,Japan. 2004 Bare Clay:Ceramic Nudes in 20th Century Art,Garth Clark Gallery, New York City, NY 2003 The Legacy of Modern Ceramic Art, Part II: Modern Ceramic Art from an International Perspective, Museum of Modern Ceramic Art,Gifu,Japan and Ceramic Cultural Park, Mino,Japan. 2003 21st Century Ceramics in the U.S.and Canada,Columbus College of Art and Design,Columbus,OH 2002 Clay Body Rhetoric:Ceramic Figures of Speech, Beach Museum of Art, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 2002 Northwest Masters:Selections from the City of Seattle Portable Works Collection, Bank of America Tower City Space/Seattle Art Gallery,Seattle,WA 2002 Shaping the Future with Earth,World Contemporary Ceramic Exposition 2002, Incheon,South Korea. 2001 USA Clay,Smithsonian American Art Museum, Renwick Gallery,Washington, DC.Selections from the Allan Chasanoff Ceramic Collection, Mint Museum,Charlotte, NC. PUBLIC ART COMMISSIONS: • "Dreamer"(2022),Vulcan Real State,Seattle,WA. Installed 3122 • "City Reflections"(2009),Tri-Met Public Art Program Award, Northwest Sculpture Collection, Portland,Transit Mall, Portland,OR • "Mercurial Miss"(1994), King County Arts Commission, 1992 Honors Award, Meydenbauer Convention Center, Bellevue,WA • "A Procession"(1986),Seattle Arts Commission,Seattle's Northwest Special Collection,Washington State Convention Center,Seattle,WA PUBLIC COLLECTIONS: (Selected): • Vulcan Real Estate,Seattle,WA • Everson Museum of Art,Syracuse, NY • National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto Japan • American Museum of Ceramic Art, Pomona,CA • Northwest Museum of Arts&Culture,Spokane,WA • Incheon World Ceramic Center, Incheon,South Korea • American Museum of Art and Design, New York City, NY • Mint Museum of Art,Charlotte, NC • Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth Cultural Center, Perth,Australia • National Museum of American Art/Smithsonian Institution, Renwick Collection • Fredrick Weisman Museum, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN Boynton Beach Art Advisory Board Agenda Package June 29, 2023 Page 38 EXHIBIT D • Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles,CA PUBLIC COLLECTIONS (Cont'd): (Selected): • Seattle Art Museum,Seattle,WA • Tacoma Art Museum,Tacoma,WA • Arizona State University Art Museum,Ceramic Study Center,Tuscon,AZ • Museum of Art&Design, NYC • Microsoft Corporation, Redmond,WA • John Michael Kohler Art Center,Sheboygan WI • Racine Art Museum, Racine,WI • Jundt Art Museum,Spokane,WA • University of Washington,Suzzallo Library,Seattle,WA • University of Washington, Meany Hall for the Performing Arts,Seattle,WA • Honolulu Museum of Art, Honolulu, HI • Portland Art Museum,Gordon Gilkey Print Collection, Portland,OR • Portland Art Museum, Portland,OR • Arkansas Art Museum, Little Rock,AK • Henry Art Gallery, University of Washington,Seattle,WA PUBLICATIONS: • Patti Warashina,John Natsoulas Publishing. Hardbound. 2021 • Patti Warashina,John Natsoulas Publishing. Softbound.2019 • "Patti Warashina,"HEY! Magazine,Art and Pop Culture,Anne de HEY!,No.4,Season 2,Sept,2018 • Warashina, Patti(b.1940), HistoryLink.org,Sheila Farr(online encyclopedia of WA State history),2017. • "Savage Style:Two artists who tackle serious subjects with eccentric wit".Seattle Times, May,2016. • Review of"Thinking Clearly"exhibit at Abmeyer+Wood Fine Arts. • art ltd.;"Patti Warashina:"Scrutiny"at Davidson Galleries,"by Matthew Kangas, Mar/Apr.2014. • Wit and Wisdom are baked into Patti Warashina's Art",Seattle Times, Michael Upchurch.July,2013. • "A mesmerizing spin with ceramist Patti Warashina,"Los Angeles Times,Scarlett Cheng,Sept,2012 • "Patti Warashina:Wit and Wisdom"(2012).American Museum of Ceramic Art, Pomona,California, Martha Kingsbury. 165 pages with over 60 full-page and over 100 smaller color images. • "The Irrational Exuberance of Patti Warashina,Sculptor,"Kerameiki Techni, Ronald Kuchta and Matthew Kangas. 12-page feature article,Cover photo and 37 color photos,2002. • "Patty Warashina's Secrets"by Matthew Kangas,American Ceramics,Vol. 13,(#3)Spring 2000 • "Intimate Immensity: Recent Works by Patti Warashina"by Glenn Brown,62-page catalog for exhibition at Texas Tech University, 1996 • "Patti Warashina—Ceramic Sculpture 1962-1991",Catalog for Bellevue Art Museum 29-Year Retrospective,Vicki Halper, 1991. • "Ceramics in the Pacific Northwest:A History"by LaMar Harrington, UW Press, 1979 VIDEOS: • "Patti Warashina:Artist". Produced by John Forsen, Fidget.tv. Interviews with Patti about her careerand work. Filmed on three separate occasions from 2009 to 2012,leading up to her 50 year retrospectives. • "Patti Warashina: Inside the Studio of a Ceramic Sculptor", Bellevue Art Museum, 1991 PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS: 2010-2019 Archie Bray Foundation, Board Member 1970-1995 University of Washington,Seattle,WA(Retired 1995, Professor Emerita) 1968-69 Cornish School of Allied Arts,Seattle,WA 1965-68 Eastern Michigan State University,Ypsilanti, MI 1964-65 Wisconsin State University, Platteville,WI Boynton Beach Art Advisory Board Agenda Package June 29, 2023 Page 39 Page 1 Artist Roster Applicants and Vote Taley: May 11, 2023 EXHIBIT E Artist Roster 2023-2026 Selection on May 11, 2023 YES/NO Name Address Website/Social Media Handles Received a majority plus one. Or 3 or 4 YES votes. 142 Willow Ave. Altamonte 4/0 Carlos Azuaje Springs, FL. 32714 www.kobewoodz.com Daniela Sanchez 5600 nw 7th Ave, suite#22, 3/1 Vegas Miami ttps:// anielasvart.co / 1310 Misty Ridge Ct, Apopka, deliamiller.com 4/0 Delia Miller Florida @deliamlr on Instagram www.eliserubin.com instagram - eliserubinartist, tiktok- 10434 Canoe Brook Clrcle Boa eliserubin25, facebook-elise 3/1 Elise Rubin Raton, FL 33498 rubin 2008 Lake Dr. Winter Park, FL 4/0 John Carollo 32789-2838 www.nakedeyestudios.com CoRK Arts District, Studio D North, 603 King Street, 3/1 Keith Doles Jacksonville, FL 32204 @keithdoles 829 Ponderosa Pine Lane, 3/1 Lee Bell Sarasota, FL 34243 https://www.blacklilystudio.com https://www.arttimesbylupe.com/ https://www.facebook.com/lupe.I awrence/ 128 E. Ilex Drive Lake Park FL https://www.instagram.com/lawr 4/0 Lupe Lawrence 33403 encelupe/?hl=en Www.dreamincolorartfl.com Www.facebook.com/dreamincol orartfl Www.instagram.com/dreamincol Melissa MastrangelO- 3539 Chesapeake Cir Boynton orart 3/1 Diaz Beach FL 33436 Www.mobilemasterpiecesfl.com 2887 SW 22nd Circle#49B, 3/1 Michelle Drummond Delray Beach, FL 33445 www.drummondfineart.com 3/1 Richlin Burnett-Ryan 87 Rymshaw Dr. Jacksonville www.richlinry2n.com 217 N Seacrest Blvd, PO BOX 3/1 Sara Augustin 932 linktr.ee/ssgoutiue 6200 wallis rd. West palm 4/0 Sitki Dogan Beach -6186- 502 , FL , 33413 https://www.stworksdg2ign.com/ 3/1 Tiffany Beasi Boca Raton instagram @tiffanybeasiart Boynton Beach Art Advisory Board Agenda Package June 29, 2023 Page 40 Page 2 Artist Roster Applicants and Vote Taley: May 11, 2023 EXHIBIT E Did not receive a majority plus one. Or less than 3 YES vote https://shop.courtneyeinhorn.co m/ https://www.facebook.com/Court neyEinhornArt/ Courtney Einhorn CGE https://www.instagram.com/court 2/2 Inc 951 brickell ave#1804, Miami neyeinhorn/ 22145 Serenata Circle West www.nicolegallucioart.com 2/2 Nicole Galluccio Boca Raton FL 33433 @nicolegallucioart https://bit.ly/lucillehinnersarchitec 1440 SW 14TH DR BOCA ture, instagram: 2/2 Lucille Hinners RATON, FL 33486 lucillearchitecture www.batialowenberg.com 98 Preston C, Boca Raton, FL www.instagram.com/batialowenb 1/4 Batia Lowenberg 33434 erg/ 1543 Julie Tonia dr. West Palm Instagram: @nedhopkins 1/4 Ned Hopkins Beach, FL 33415 Email: nedhopkins@gmail.com https://www.jerilynbrown.com, 1417 Westchester Dr N, West https://www.instagram.com/justb 1/3 Jerilyn Brown Palm Beach, FL 33417 rownsart/ 1/3 Ashley Mir PO Box 3146, Jupiter FL 33469 asleyir.co 6121 Via Venetia N Delray 0/4 Lois Becker Beach Florida 33484 www. Ioisbeckerjewelry and art 204 E South Str Suite 2056 https://www.linkedin.com/in/mari 0/4 Marina V Wray Orlando FL 32801 vara / 13751 Flora PL Apt#D, Delray 0/4 Sara Chang Beach FL 33484 .sarac an . to spot.co 0/4 sabrina dessalines 624 Mcdevitt st, Orlando @artbyina3 www.artbyina3.com www.cecarnes.com, www.behance.net/CaitlinCarnes, 1194 SW 24th ave, Boynton www.instagram.com/caitlinecarn 0/4 Caitlin Carnes Beach, FL es/, society6.com/cecarnes NOT FROM FLORIDA 220 E Monument St, Colorado http://christopherweedsculpture. Christopher Weed Springs, CO 80903 co / 3834 Monterey Ave Apt 110 Jose Trejo Maya Baldwin Park CA 91706 none Boynton Beach Art Advisory Board Agenda Package June 29, 2023 Page 41