Minutes 09-21-70ON SBPT£~;~BR 21~ 1970, CITY PALL, BO~£C!N B~ACH PREScotT Present as Alternate: ABSB~ ~1 liam Tiersbier Stuart B. Fuller, Building Official Harry Le Forte ~.~eeting called to order at 5:30 P.~{. by t~he CT_airman.. ~,~inutes fro,~n Septe~,ber 11, 1970~ meeting reviewed by B~J.. ~,,~otion to apple ~ ~itten ~mde by ~.~r. Fester. Seconded by ~:~(r. Yates. All ~ted aye mhd minutes approved. Parcel # 1 Dglief f~m 60 ~ front footage r~uirement to 55' front footage Lot 9~ Bo}u~ton Heights Add'n ~ 1 Recerded in Bo~k g~ Page 7 Palm Bead~ Comty Records Address: z~,.o r~. W. 1st Avenue Applic~t: Seth ~:~r. Pl~% c~e fom~o, ard ~ petitioner for the variance. ~is w~ a lot of record before the Zoning 0rdinmn~ w~ p~sed. There is nO prope~' av~lmble - ~ · .... ,- · ~ ~ - ' a contract to purchase in effect. on eisner side zor purcl.~e, l~ere is Furd~er watts to build a house for his stepson. ~.ere were no objectors noted. Board discussed this request mhd C%.aimaan called for a motion. !qr. Yates made a r~tion to gr~t this r~uest~ ~,,~tion was secon~eo by ~,~r. Ward, ~1 voted aye and r~uesied vari~ce be !['r~ted. Parcel 2 Relief f~m rear setback requiren~nt of 20' to rear setback of 10' Relief from s~c= setback requirement of 1~' to 9'7'* side setback Relief from 50' front footase rea~ire~nt to 44' front footage. -2- 1,~inutes of t~_,e Board of Adjustment 9-21-?0 .All conditions as requested no~ exist Lots 298 less the ~ 6' and all of lot 299 ~erry Hills Recorded in plat ~ook 4, Page 58 Palm Beach County Records Address: 1035 N. ',iT. 4 Street Applicant: David Andr~s David Audrew~ came fo~ard to explain to Board his request for variance. House is existing on a corner lot o£ 44' ~1idth. There is no other property available adjacent to this lot. He needs a ne~! garage and gave plot plan sho~,i_ng his intentions ~o E~ard for study. Garage w~ld not project beyond existing house line on N. ~5. 4th Street. Z~'ould still have proper setback on N. !~J. llth Avenue . Altfqough house faces N. ~!. 4th Street, actual lot depth is from N. ~?. llth Avenue. Board discussed tJ~is request and called, for objectors. ~ere were none. Chaiman called for a motion a~nd 1,-~r. I~ard made a motion to gram. t the request with the proviso that the garage not exceed the lines of tb.e existing building in a P~rth Sout]~ direction. Iqotion ~as seconded by ?~r. Hester. Al! voted aye and request ~,as grmnted, b~r. Yates ~ent on record that he voted aye only because proviso ~,zas made to keep gara~oe in line '~i~ existing house and not exceed present width~ ~"totion to adjourn made by kk. Hester, sec~nded by ~4r. P, ou~hty. .~1! voted aye and meetin~ adjourned at $:$0 P.~,~. kY. Pobert Hueston, ~n.,airman