Minutes 09-11-70i,,KNL~IkS OF THE EOA_RD OF ADJtM~'~,~T ( SPECIAL i-~LD AT CITY HALL~ BOYhrlDN BEAG{ FLORIDA ON llth , 1970 , FRIDAY. PP£SENT ~.¥Y- P.~ert }heston kY. ~¥illiav. lt. Yatos ~4r. ~zell Hester Mr. Richard Doughty ~.~r. Foy ?Iard. Present as an alternate: ABSENT ~Tiersbier t~{r. }.{/mr/ LaForte ~r. Stuart B, Fuller, ~uilding Official [,~eting called to order at S:SO P.H. by Chair, mn. I.{inutes from last ~eeting discussed. ~:~tion to approve as ~itten made by {,Pr. Hester mxd seconded by Mr. Yates. All voted aye and minutes approved. Parcel 1 Requests vari,nce from 25' rear setbacX, requirement to 21 ' rear setbad< Lot 13 and East 1/2 of Lot 1~ Block 10 Golf View Harbor 2nd Section Address: 1290 S. 1% 28 Avenue Request for four foot variance in rear on required 25' setback. ~,¥. ~.Rcbmels £~m ~,~Rlnor CorForation canre fon,ard and stated that the canal in rear of lot prohibits a large home. C~,ner wants a larger screened pord~ on his home. ~is would be a screened porrxh only mud not ~led in constructiom The Lake ~Yorth Drainage District - Right of ~lay actually has more land before reacJdng the canal. This would act like more rear yard although, not c~med with the lot. TWenty-five ~oot rear setbacks work a hardship on ~e one b..undred foot lots especially. Dar~naser also stated that all be wapted was an extra four feet on screened porcJ~ only . Mr. Doughty asked that if motion were made that it be worded to exclude tony other t)npe building except a screened porch. Mr. Hester made a motion to grant variance provided only a screened porch, as sho~ on sub~dtted plan~ was erected. Variance to be for four feet as requested. i,!r. Yates seconded this motion and. asked to go on record as seconding only because this backs r~ to a canal. Vote was four to one to approve motion. Mr. ~ard ~oted no ; }~tion carried and four foot variance granted. Parcel 2 Request variance from 25' rear setback requirement to 19 4" rear setback lot 21, Block 15, Golfview }mrbour 2nd Sec. Address: 1571 S. ~. 27 Avenue ~-~nutes of the Board of Adjustment Special ~,~eting 9-11-70 Request rear setback variance from. twenty-five to nineteen feet. /"his is a 100 foot lot in depfl~ and backs up on a canal. There will be eight lots in this category. Lots are too small to place a large house on ~he~. }~a,nts variance in order to build a sales mOdel. ~,tost homes in Golfview Harbor are larger than average st&-diviSion. Board questioned petitioner on these ~odels. They will fit O..~f. on 105 foot lots but not on 100 foot lots. Board asked petitioner if he kn~ zoning conditions when lots were purchased, and he stated that he did. Board asked why he didn't design models to fit lots or else increase lots by taking some from adjacent lots. Discussion was held by Board and Chaiman called for a motion. None was made and Chairman surrendered Chair to Vice Chairman }~ester in order to ma,kc a motion. Mr. ,queston made a motion to deny the variance request. This was seconded by .~,fr. %~ard. Ail voted to deny variance. Chaiman then resumed the Chair. Parcel R~uests variance from 25' rear setback requirement to 25 ' rear setback Lot 20~ Blodc 15, Golfview Harbor 2nd Sec. Address: 1561 S. !;?. 27 Avenue Petitioner withdra,~ this request, for variance when he found an architectural mistake on the plot plan submitted.. ~'/otion to adjourn made by },~. ,Poughty and, seconded by ~,~r, %:lard. and. ~eting adjourned at 6:05 P,~L All voted aye ~/ Robe-r~ E~ae~ten, o~aim~ '