Minutes 08-31-70;,~nutes of fl'~e Board of AdjUStm, ent, Meld at 5:30 P.~.?. August 51, 1970 City Hall, Boynten Bead~, Florida P~SE~.rr ~4r. Robert Hueston Mr. William Yates Mr. Foy Ward ~,'~. Richard !bu~hty Mr. Ezell l~ester ~r, Stuart B. Full~r~ ~uilding Official MT. ~illiam ?~. ',.,¥illiam Tiersbier ~{eeting called to order at 5:$0 P.M. by O~.aiman. Chairman renounced that the~would be a special meeting on Friday September 11, 1970 at $:30P'~.~¥,~,.~ A m~)tion was made by }4r. }~ster to accept ~nutes from previous meeting as ~rritten. }~(otion seconded by ;,'~r. Yates and al! voted aye. }~!inutes approved. ~arce # ! Lot 125, Ridgewood }{ills as recorded in Plat Book Page 250 Palm ~ead) County Records Applicant: George Jadcson Address: 410 N. ~. ~ Avenue ~. Jackson ca~e to microphone and stated his address a~ il0 M~ ?L 5rd Avenue Boynton Bead~. ~?ants to enclose along on already existing line. 14ouse has been there since before zoning ordinance and setbacks previously existed. Cannot :~line-up~' enclosure witJ~out a variance. Let is only $0 foot wide, but was existing before ordinance. ~.e has to ~mke use of what is already there amd. needs extra rOO~. l~.ere were no objections. ~,'~r. Hester made a motion to grant the requested variances. ~-,btion seconded by ~ir. Yates and carried by all. Parcel #2 Lot 10~ Block 14, Golfview Harbour 2nd Section As recorded in Plat Book 27, Page 47 Palm Beach County ;~ec.6r/ts. Applicant: Boca Land Developments Inc. Address: 1144 S. W. 25 Avenum Rear Setback variance -2- ~inutes of the Board of Adjustment 8- 31 - 70 John Greerm~an camde £o~.,~ard for the petitioner. F;r. Greenman stated that .this lot is irregular shaped a~d is situated on a cul-de-sac. This makes the use of side lot lines limited because the front setback line is irregular. Placing a home~ in keeping with the general neighborhood, ~eould be difficult on this lot. Actual measurement from rear lot would be about 17 feet. ~oard discossed fl~is and. asked further questions concerning lot and planned structure. No objectors were present a~.d there were no mail objections. ~4otion was made to grar, t variance because of irregular lot and la2~e in rear preventing aquisition of more property. ,~btion seconded by kY, Fester all voted aye. ~-'lotion carried m~d rear setback variance granted as r_equested. }~,btion to adjourn by },~. Doughty and seconded by },~r. l?ard. All aye and. adjourned at 5:50 ~r. Pob~rt Fu~s~en, ~hairma~n