Minutes 08-10-70FRN%rrE. S OF T~,~. BOARD OF ADJUSTb,~.rf ~,.METING~ AUG~JST HP--LD AT CITY HALL, BOY~rON B~(~{ FLORIPA. 1970 P~S~T Mr. Robert Hueston, Chaiman Mr. Bzell Hester Mr. Foy l~]ard }~ir. William Tiersbier Stuart B. Fuller, Building Official ABS~ Mr. }~itliam. H. Yates I~;~r. Richard Doughty Chairman called the meeting to order at 5:35 P.~. Ail members had copies of m~nutes from the last meeting. Board discussed minutes and motion was made by ~k. Hester to accept as written. Seconded by Mr. Tiersbier. Ail voted aye and previous minutes accepted. Parcel # 1 Request variance: Lot }~idth, requirement of 60'to 42' Rear Setback of 25' to 1S~ Lot 9, Blod~ .5 Hxppy Home Hei~ts as recorded in Plat Book 11, Page $0 Palm Beach County Records Address: 214 N. E. 13 Ave. Katherine Sanders Request for variance on rear setback and lot front footage. Applicant explained lot was 42~ x 95' and lot of record before zoning code adopted. Canal in rear prevents any obtaining of additional yard.. .~plicant would like to utilize property for a single family residence. ~e can no longer Board dfscussed request. ~-~ere were no objections, Chairman called for motion and Mr. Hester moved ~at tJ).e requested variance be granted for a single family residence only and fl~at all other setbacks required by zoning be observed. Front footage from 60~ required to 42' and. rear yard from 25' re.quired to 1S'. }~btion seconded by Mr. Tiersbier. Ail voted aye mud variances granted. ~otion to adjourn by ~,ir. Hester and seconded !1 vote aye end, meeting adjourned at S:S0 P,i',L -~, _~.~ ~ l k_~~k~~~~~ }~~ ',~ton' ~ ~airman