Robert Hueston, Chairman
Ezell Heater
Foy Ward
~tlllam H. Yatee
Stuart B. Fuller, Building Official
Richard Doughty
William A. Baul
William Ttersbier
Present for Reevest Electronics, ~r. Tom Heasley, Plant Engineer, mr. Lonnie
3ackson, Contractor and Mr. Bergashoff, Architect.
called to order at 5=30 p.m. by Chairman.
~inutes from last meeting were discussed and ~r. Heater made a mot/on to approue
them as written. ~otion seconded by ~r. ~ard end all voted aye. ~otion carried
4 - 0 and minutes approved,
Parcel 1:
Requests variance from=
Two hour fire rating on columns in assembly
area and one hour fire rating on girders, as
required in Chapter V], Classification of
Buildings by Construction, Section 602, Table
502.5, Fire Protective Requirements, Type I,
Ftreproof~ to unprotected fire rating on both.
A parcel of lend in a portion of the Southwest quarter (}) of Section 5, Township
45 South, Range 43 Eas~, Palm Beach County Florida, being more particularly
described es follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of said Section
thence run North (the ~est line of Section 5 is assumed to bear North-South and
all other bearings are relative thereto) sion9 the ~est line of said Section 5
a distance of 110.00~ to a point; thence run S 89~48~45'' E a distance of
to a point in the East right of way line cf Congress Avenue and the Point of
Beginning of the herein described parcel= thence continue on the preceding de-
scribed course a distance of 1460.21' to a point in the ~eeterly r$ght of way
line of the Seaboard Coast Line Reilroad~ thence run ~ 18=21'5g' [ along said
~esterly right of =ay line ~ distance of 1777.8g~ to a point~ thence run S
B8~51~44" I~ a distance of 2020.80t to a point in the East right of ~ay line
said Congress Avenue; thence run South along said East right of =ay line a dis-
tance of 1542,42~ to the point of beginning of the herein described parcel.
Addresat ~800 South Congress Avenue
Owner: Reeves Instrument Division, D. C. A.
Bra Heasley came forward for Reeves~ Instrument and stated that there would be
no combustible materials used in the assembly area. This complete area has fire
eprtnklersys~em and this accomplishes more than the t~o hour rating set forth
in So S, B. C, This is mainly a technicality and would add expense without
;t, HueetOn then ,asked ~o~ =bj~C~O;s ~d the~e =e.;e nons, p;esent ~oz =e~ ~e~
any ==itten.
Chai=men then asked 'FiFe Chief ~ight IF his depa=tment had any objections and
the Chie~ stated that the sp~inkZe~ system accompZished what they desired.
Didn't see any ~ea~on Fb'~ fire ~ating non-combuetibZe wo=k Fu~thero
thai=man then asked Br. Fulls= From Building DePartment iF they objected and was
told that ~here we=e no objections,
· =. Hueeten =ailed for motion and motion by 8~. ~a=d to g=ant~ with
ep:lnkiet system, and seconded by Br. Heeteto Ali voted aye end Re~vee*
gzanted 4 - Oo
~lotion to adjourn by ac. Heste=, seconded by
adjpu~ned a~ 5:45
voted aye and
Robert Hueston,