Minutes 07-27-70BINUTES OF THE BOARD OF AD3UST~ENT BEETING HELD BONDAY, 3ULY 27, 1970 AT 5:30 P,M. BOYNTON BEACH CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Robert Hues:on, Chairman Ezell Heste~ Foy ~illiam.H. Ye:es Elmo G. Elliott, Deputy Building Official ABSENT Richa=d Doughty ~tlliam A. ~aul l~illtam Tte=sbia= Meeting called to o~der at 5:30 p.m. by ~r. Hueston. 8inutes of 3uly 13, lg?O weze app=oved as written. Since ~r. Billet ems not p=esent at the time, ~r. Lingafeiter ~as celled first. ParcaI 2: Requests variance f~om: F~ont yard depth ~equirement of 25* to 22~?'' Lot 52, Venetian Isles Subdivision as ~ecorded in Plat Book 24~ Page 321, Palm Beech County ~eco~de. Add,ess: 52 Venice Drive Oener~ Bill Lingafslte~ Br. Lingafelter c~me fo=~ard and stated why he wanted the variance. M~. ~e=tz appeared for the A~chit~ctural Committee of the Subdivision. He stated that ~h~n the plans were approved by his Committee, he recommended to ~r. Lingafaltar that he 9et a survey before sta=tin9 construction. Ho~eve~, M=. Lingafeite= did not have survey until afro= the foundation and beam had been inspected. It ~ae then noted that the foundation did not meet the Architect's apecifications~ nor did it meet City setbacks. Afro= much discussion, a vote ~as called fo~ by the Chairman. ~. Yates made motion to deny the variance. Seconded by 8r~ Foy ~ard. Unanimously carried. Pascal 1: Requests variance from: front yard depth ~equi~ement of 25' to lO½' ~inimum lot $idth ~equi~ement of ?5' to 50', Lot ~2, Lainha~t's Subdivision of Lot ~ as ~corded in Plat Book 10, Page 39, Palm Beach County ~ecords. Add~ess: 129 N. E. 13~ Avenue Owne~: Law=enos Miller ~]r. ~iller came forea~d and =equested variance on his p~ope~ty$ a discussion folloeed. A motion was made by ~. Has--the variance; all voted a ye~ after the second by i~r. Yates. ~~ ~k~~~~~%~ ~L~ Robert Hueston"~Chai~man