Minutes 07-13-70~,'iINqJrES OF Tk~ BOARD OF ADJUSTN~aYr ~ETING t~D HONDAY, JULY 13, 1970 AT 5:30 P.H, BOY~rrON BEACH CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PRESENT Robert Hueston, Chairman Richard Doughty Ezell Hester Foy Ward Stuart B. Fuller, Building Official ABSSNT l¥illim]l A. ~hul ~illiam Tiersbier %~?illiam H. Yates ~,~eeting called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Chairman who then introc~cecL the Board mear~ers. Parcel 1: Owner wants to build an addition on an existing building and requests variance on front footage requirement from 60' to 50'; also variance on side and rear setbacks. Lot 4, Block 1, Heek Andrews Addition as recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 84, Palm. Beach County records. Address: 327 N. E. llth Avenue Applicant: k~rs. Harie Mrs. l~illiams came forward and requested variances on setbacks and on lot front footage. Old building was existi~g before the present zoning ordinances. %%~en present ordinance was adopted, her building automatically became non-con- forming. There is plenty room on her lot to the }?est and she could meet side yard setbacks in this direction with new addition. ?~ants to add ~$elve feet for new room and bath as needs sanitary facilities. Addition will be CBS construction and meet other requirements. There were no objectors. Hotion made to grant variances, by Mr. Ward, and seconded by Hr. Hester. All voted aye and motion carried. Parcel 2: BEGIN ELY R/W OF SEACREST BLVD. l~tI2~; E LINE OF [~ 1/2 OF LOT 14, TH S}%ZY 240.95 Fr. TO POB ~i~%Y 96 FT., SELY 110.5 ~LY 96 FT., P~;,~,Y 110.5 FT. TO POB BEING PT OF LOT 11 OF UNREC SCHOOL RD ESTATES AS IN OPl698 P14 ALL OF TH~ ABOVE IN ACREAGE 33-45-43 Address: 2824 S. Seacrest Blvd. Applicant: V. B. Astler PAGE 2 Chainwn asked for representation by Dr. Astler. There was none present. As there was some doubt about Dr. Astler's intent, Chaiman asked Board not to act until Dr. Astler was present or had representation. One objector came forward and said he ~vas confused as part of this :was lot 1S, School ?~ad S/D, and no such lot shows on map in City Clerk's office. Also, question on zoning as not clear ~here lots run as this is unrecorded. Chairman stated he would have objectors notifY-ed for'resChe~uled meeting as Board could not act on this matter at present. ~.'Linutes from last meetir~g accepted as written, ~otion by Mr. t-~ester, seconded by ~r. ~oughtY and all voted aye. Motion to adjourn by ?..~r; .','tard~ seconded by ~. ,~::ester and a~l voted aye. Adjourned at $:$0 p.m. Robert Hueston, Chairman