Minutes 06-29-70f~I~UTE5 OF THE BOARD OF AD3UST~,E~T ~lEETING HELD 3UNE 2g, lg?o, AT 5:30 P.~l., CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH. RObert ~destOn, Chairman Foy~e~d ~illiam H. Yates Ezell Hester ~illiam Tiersbier Richard Doughty ~eetin9 called to order at 5~0 P.~. by Chairman Robe~ Hua~ono ~r. Heater mede mo~lon that minu[es up to date be approved. ~otion seconded by ~. Yates end ali voted aye for approval. Parcel l: Rejuests exception to use prefsbiceted metal building~ for storage only while renovating main structure Ac~ 5ac, East half of Lot 18 less ~orth leo feet of the East 50 feet Address: ~015 S. Seactest Bird, BoyntOn Beach ~pplicantl Bethesda ~emortal Hospital ~r. ~ussell ClaytOn cema ~o~ward ~o~ Bethesda Hospital and requested ~ variance for use of a metal building /nan R-2 zone and a variance in separation between buildings. He explained tl~t the butIdtng mas badly needed on a temporary basis to sto~e food supplies while the existing building is being renovated. Existing dtets:y ~acilities can not be used as they ers not adequate to take care of extra beds to be used, A forty one bed addition will be let in 3uly and dietary facilities must be reworked to take care of this. Building would bm only temporary and located on ~est side of hospital. Used for ~ood storage only and onlY du~i~g progress of the eorko Somewhere near t~o years total and then ~oulo be sold and ~emoved upon work completion, ~ould not be much in view of local residents, Two groups of people came by hospital and saw site and then said they had no objections. ~to Hueston then read a letter f=om Robert L. Ca=t objecting to any building over six months and a letter from Robert Riley who would object to a permanent building only. ~.~I~UTE$ OF THE BO~ED OF AD3UST~}ENT HELD 3Ufl£ 29, 1970~ COE~I~UED ~ir. Clayton came forward and explained that some people thought the building would be on 5~ 4th St,~ and didtnt understand ~ts 1ocs:~ tion and when this was expialned~ had no objections. · r. Yates made a motion that the varlances be granted provided that the hospital wou/d have the bu&Idtng =eeoved w~h&n ninety days afte~ comple~&on o~ the new work on main hospital. ~otion seconded by ~r. Hester and ali voted aye. ~otion carried and variances granted. -2-