Minutes 05-11-70mINUTES OF THE BOARD OF ADDUSTmENT mEETING HELD mONDAY, may il, lg?O at 5:30 P,~,~ CITY HALL~ BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA. PRESEN_ T Robert Hueston, Chairman Foy ~a~d Richard Doughty William H, Yatee Stuart B. Fuller, Building Official ABSENT Ezejeil Heater William A. maul · iilia~ C. Tiersbie~ meeting was called to order at 5:30 P.B. by Chairman Hueston. minutes from last meeting noted by Chairman and motion called for on minutes, ~otion by ~. Yates to ~cc~pt minutes as ~i~ten, Seconded by ~. ~a~d and ca~ied ~-0. NE~ BUSINESS Parcel ~-i: Requests red, etlon in front lot line setback to 16 ft. Existin9 rear and front setbacks do not conform $ith the exietin9 code. Lot 6 and South 5' of Lot 5 Bayntonborough as recorded in Plat Book 25, Pa9e 174 Palm Beach County Records Add,ess: 5i5 N. E. 16th Avenue Applicant: William Freita9 mr. Hueston read the ~equest for variance by petitioner. Chairman and Board discussed location and site plan of a~ea $here variance is ~equested. ~, Freita9 then came foreard and presented a plat to the Board for review. Stated he could not buy adjacent property to enlarge lot area. He explained that he had six children and badly needed the extra room in his home. He wants to add too ever, his home is located on the lot in such a manner-~as to prevent addition in any direction eithout a variance. The plan he proposes $ould require $ front setback variance only as he would have sufficient side set back room, Would not be objectionable as $ould match the rest of his home in construction. Board reviewed this plan and had considerable discussion. Chairman called for objectors and there sere none, No eritten objections ~ere recorded. ~tnute~ Board of Adjustment ~eeting ~y 11~ lgTO Motion made to grant a nine foot variance in f~on~ setback made by mr. ~m~d and seconded by mr. Doughty. motion cm~ied 4-0 and variance was 9~anted. m~o Doughty made motiOh to edjou~n and seconded by ~. Wa~d. ~otion ca:~ied by all at 5~45 Rob~t Hueston~ Chairman