Minutes 04-20-70~[NUTES OF THE BOARD OF AD3USTrf~NT ~£ETING HELD ~ONDAYs APRIL 20~ 1970 5=30 P-~,s CITY HALL, BOYNTO~ BEACH, FLORIDA Robert Hueston, Chairman £zelJ. Hesta;, Vice Chairman ~ll~lem H. Yatee Richard Doughty Fay ~ard ~eeting ~aa called to order by Chairman Robert Hueeton. ~e? Business Parcel ~ 3ohn gl. Barrett, Deputy Gullding Inspector Request va=Lance to allow 50 ft. lot, lot I55 Ridoewoad HIlls Subdiv~ston~ as recorded in Plat Book 23, Page 250. Palm Beach County Records. Address 719 ~. W. ~ Street. Applicant Bernard Boyd~ 48?30 Huron Dr. BeileviL[e~ ~ch~gan. Zoned RI~ This is a RI~ zone and lots have to be eD ft. ~ide but this omnsr has been paying taxes on this lo% and should be allomed to build. HuestonsAny obJectors. Please step forwards give you= name and address. Robinson= Came forward~ lives at 515 N. W. 4 Street and ~anted to knom i~ it was customary to allom variances such as this in other areas. Ne e~id hie lot ~s 100 feet by 120 ~eat. Doughty=Said it didn't make any di~erence in mhat area it mas~ and me do make these aliomances, iflan had been paying taxes and should be allo~ed to build. fluee[ontAeked if there ~ere any other objectors. There mere no more. Yet,etBade the motion that this variance be granted and a limit of three (3) months made for the starting of construction. · ardt Seconded the mo[ion. Said he must meet the setback [n the RZA Zone. Hue~ted:C~lled for a vote, ~ll five voted yes. Parcel Request for variance in rear set-beck r~quirementeo 1o% 2g~ Central Park~ subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book Page 12~ Palm Beach County Records. Addreset 214 S. E. 12 Street Appllcantt ~r. Robert Grif~ith 3r. Zoned 2-2 ~inu%es - Board of Adjustment ~prtl 20, 1970 City Hall, Boynton Beach, Florida Parcel_.2 Cgntinued= Bm, Robert ~ziFfith requested the Board to reduce the rear building set-back From 20 feet to 10 Fast, to allom a larger building, Bra G=iffith showed the board a sketch oF his proposed building, Said other building around utilized much of the land that backed up to the FEC Railroad and mould like same, Said it mas going to be an office and storage building. Said it conforms with the development in [he area. Said¥oung and Waldie had a set-back of [D feet. Going to leave 10 feet in f~ont and is asking to have the additional 10 feet in the rear to build on. ~=, ~ardt rf~de a motion for the variance to be granted and building start in six months. Seconded the motion. All voted aye, B~. Heater: ~arcal 3 ~r. Roeai$ tr. Doughty= ar. Barrettt Variance being asked of one foot, because of enchroachment on side lot line, Lot 13 Blk 17 P.B, Address= 20? S, Wa 13 Streett Leisurevllle. Applicant~ Caldoe Developers Represented Caldos Developers, their Engineer, Sa~d a survey on August 16 1969 shamed a 1.9 fort an~h=oach=ent on side lot line, Said the foundation the Suncoast aodel mae laid but the plans from Lauderdale had s Bayfatr with carport put on this lot, therefore an enchroachment on side lot line came about, You are asking us to leave the existing building there, and 9rant these variances. Affizmed this. Ham come the Building Department didn't catch this? ?hie can eaeily happen, as the markere are knocked do~n and as houee sate on an angle, it was not noticed, and ales there was no building next to it at that time. -2- ~inutes - Board of Adjustment April 20, 1970 City Hall, Boynton Besch~ Florida p~=cel 5 ~gntinued Rossi: They also rely on the enginee~s advice. Barrett: What the gentlemen is asking ~for is a change from 5 feet side set-back to a 5 feet side eat-back, this will leave both deeds the same ~ithout a change in the platted line. Hueston: Asked if %here ~ere any further qume%ions: Asked the Boards pleasure. Yates: tilde the motion that this variance be granted ~his time only~ as they a~e not 9oing to set a precedent for Leteureville to change their set-backs when they felt like it. Doughty: ~o be granted on this building only. Ye%es: ~ade a motion that the v~iance be granted. ~ard~ Seconded the motion. Huestont Asked for a voter all voted aye. Pa=cml 4 ~ariance =equested on Front set-back requirements from 25 feet to 15 feet on Lots 5-6-?-8 Block 4~ Boynton Heights~ Subdivision~ as ~eco~dad in Plat Book 10~ Page 64, Palm Beach County records. Address: ~26 - 132 ~. W, 2nd Ave. Applicant: B~. 8o L. Doughty Zoned: Br. Richard Ooughty~ stepped down aa member of Board at this time. [~tr. ~. L. Doughty wants this v~iance to recove~ loss when State Read Department took part of his pzope~ty. ~r.~. Doughty: Stated that what eve~ the Board decided to do tonight about this would set a precedent as ths~e undeub~edly ~ould be some moze of this all along Second ~venue. Stated that h~~ wanted to put in additional offices° Br. ~ard: Have you enough parking ~r. ~. L. Doughty:Stated that he had. He ~ants to f~ont as possible and have the parktr~ on the eidss~ .... Offices to face West. Building g~l~ to be 40 feet mide. ~inutes - Board of Adjustment April 20e 1970 City Hall, Boynton Beach, FLorida P~.~cel 4 Continu~ed: ~r, Hueston: ~ro Barrett what is the important change on the parking requirements. mro Barrett: There must be ingress and egress so there will be no backing onto the highway from parking area. ~ro Yatss: fi~de the motion that this variance be granted. ~ro Ward: Seconded the motion. Br. Heston: Stated that motion had been made and seconded and all four voted aye. P_arcel_ ~ ~ro Hueeton: ~r. Harrie~ ~r, Doughty~ ~r. Harris: Br. Harris: Variance requested for front foot footage (lot ~idth) and variance on side set-backs, lot 18 Clock l~ Happy Home Heights, Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book 11~ Page 30, Palm Beach County records. Address: 417 ~. E. 12 ~venue Applicant: Eugene Harris Sr. Zoned ~sked the applicant if his wish was to build on his 40 by 95 foot lot. Stated that it You know we usually g~ant the lot width variance i~ you ~ill maintain the required side set-backer ~d~i~ in this case is six feet, asked the applicant if it would be alright with him if ~e grant this vaziance as to the size of the lot if he would maintain the six foot set-backs. Stated that it ~ould be alright~ that he would make the building 28 feet wide instead of 30 feet wide. He ~as only trying to get as large a building as he could. Asked if ~r. Harris would maintain the six foot setbacks on the sides, if they gz~nted variance on lot size. Affirmed that he -4- ~ttnute$ -Board of Adjustment April 20s 1970 City Hal~s Baynton Beachs Florida Parcel 5 Continued,, ~e Heete~: ~r. Huest~n: ~r. Hueston: · r. Yates: r~lr.. Hester: I~r. l~/ard: [~de motion that variance be granted on lot ~id~h and six ~oot side set-baCks be matntaine~lo Seconded the motion. Asked ~or a ~Ote, al! voted aye. ~otion carried. Be did not call for the reading of the minutes. Bade amotion that reading of the minutes be dispensed with~ and that they be approved as written. Seconded the motion. ~de the motion to adjourn. Seconded tt~ ail voted aye. J~eeting adjourned at Robert H'-Jestone Chairman