Minutes 03-23-70k~INtIfES OF %~{E BO;i~D OF ADJUSTS. -55~f ~T17'.IG t~LD NO~qDAY ~
NARCH 23~ 1970, AT 5:30 P.k~. ~ CITY HALL, BO~'~ON BF~CH,
Robert Hueston, Chairman
Ezell Hester, Vice Chairman
William H. Yates, Secretamy
William_ Maul ~Alternate
Foy Ward
William Tiersbie~, Alternate
Stuart B. Fuller, Building Official
Meeting was called to order at 5:33 P.M. by Chairman.
Undem Old Business, Chairman informed Board that ~. Tomberg and ~.
Kahn could not be present and had requested a postponement in their
request. Chairman asked that this be tabled until the next Board
meeting, due to the above request.
Parcel 1:
Request variance from:
Front footage requirement of 75' to 73';
lot 23, Crestview Subdivision
as recorded in Plat Book 23~ Page 154~
Palm Beach County records.
Address: 323 S. E. 23rd Avenue
Applicant: John C. P~lls.
~. l~lls came forward and explained he wanted to build a duplex on
the described property. Lots were OK when originally plotted.
Stated that other property could not be purchased there for some time
and that he was snxious to start building right ~ay so he could
occupy one part of the duplex.
~. Yates asked how mud~ variance would be needed? Informed that
approximately two feet would be needed. Other building requirements
would be met.
Chairman asked for any objectors to come fo~ard. _~nere were none
Mm. Hester made a motion to grant variance to build as requested.
Motion seconded by Mr. Naul. Ail voted aye and motion was carried.
Variance granted.
Board of Adjus~mnt
~ 23~ 1970
Building Official requested that BOard. clarify a question as to
whether he or the Building Depsmtment had given legal coinion
to the Board or tried to usurp any of their powers°
Board clarified ~is matter.
Motion to adjourn made by ~,,~. ~ughty, Seconded by ~m, ~ester.
Ail voted aye and adjourned at 5:50 P.[~.
P~obert !~,ueston ~ Chamrman