Minutes 03-09-70[~IlNUTEB OF THE BOARD OF AD3USTmENT BE£TING~ HELD AT CITY HALl. BOYNTON B£ACH~ FLORIDA, ON BARCH 9, 1970, PRESENT; Robert Hueston Fay ~a;d £zell Heater ~illiam Tiersbier Richard Doughty Stuart B. Fulle~, Building Official ~ilLiam Yatee WilLiam maul Present for City of Boynton Beach, Br. 3ack Barrett, Deputy Building Official, ;r. Allan Nyquist, Fire Barshall a~d Mr. Cene Wright~ Fire Chief. ;eating called to order at 5:30 P.~. by Chairman Br. Hueston. BinUtae from previous meeting discussed and motion .to approve'.: made ~r.. Br. Heater and seconded by ~r. Ward. All voted aye and minutes ~ere approved, Parcel Lot 6, less highway right-of umy~eing 0,21 ac. or West 61' plus, Sam Btamn 3r.'.e~5~6bdiviaionaa recorded in Plat Book~l~ Page 81~ Palm Beach County records. Address: 2280 N. Fodaral Htghu~y Applicant: 3osaph Tomberg, Attorney for Applicant, Stanley Hahn Chairman read description of property and applicants request for rel/ef. Relier requested ts From uae of sprinkler system as required by the F~ra and Building Departments of the City. Br.3oaeph TOmbetg, attorney for applicar~, came ~or~a~d to present argument for Bt. Kahno Bra Tomberg outlined objections of applicant to fnatalltng sprinkler system, Stated that type cf storage =ouldn~t need sprinkler coverage aa nothing in Coda specifically covering boat storage as such~ was submitted by the Fire Department. Stated nothing stored in piles or channels. Anything above 21; =on't have gasoline storage. Gasoline fires =on't be extinguished by mater. Boats ara not specifically covered. Gasoline tanks are filled =hen boats are stored. Br. Barrett, Deputy Building Official, then came formard for the City. Bt, Barrett then quoted requirements for contents. Stated that mood a~d polyester fiber ~ere considered ghighly ~lammable. As such~ this =auld rail in Group H - Hazardous category. Br. Barrett then read section fram code concerning this for highly combustible materials, Shored this section to the Board. He then read other section~s of the Code covering this item. Ha ~urther read fram N,F.PoA. classification o~ Hazards and from ~.F.P.A. pamphlet,S13. Board then had discussion. Br.. Allan Nyqulst, Fire f~arshall, then came forward and road from N.F.P,A. Volume 4 about specifications ~or high hazardS. -1 - Bt. Gene ~right, Fire ghief~ teed From 6-101 and stated sprin~ler system ess necessary. Type I and II ecotage according to ~.Fo P, A.~ Ftr~ Protection Handbook. Steel frame not fire protected a~M vulnerable to demage~ must be protected by sprinklers, mead further frown Life Safety Code, ~, F, Fo ~. Chairman then read list of objections in neighborhood to granting ~irs. ~cGee, from neighborhood, fears for passible fire and insists that ~ptinklers be installed to protect neighborhood,. Bt. Kahn then stated that sprinkler system Could coat around ~8000.00 and only benefit ~50o00 per year on insurance. ~. Tombetg stated that Building Permit was issued with sprinkler requirements noted. Contends that issue t8 whether SoS,BeC. ct N, F. P. A. require such a system of sprinklers.. B~, Tcmberg read pat[ or hazardous from code andt:~oes not believe that it applies to boat~ae they ate not specifically mea~loned. ~. Barrett noted that there a~e mal~ hazardous items not specifically mentioned, Further clarified about rililng stations not being in same category. ~ood, polyester fiber, gesoline~ batteries, etc.~ all place this in hazardous group according to State Fits Bershell. Bots discussion ese had by the Board. Board members were not sure if they cobld legally act in this matter. Botion amde by ~lto TierSbier to table matter until opinion could be obtained from City Attorney. ~otton seconded by ~to Heate~ and voted aye. ~otton carried. ~eeting adjourned at 6=35 PoB. -2- BOARD OF AD3UST~ENT ~YgTO~ B£ACH~ FLORIDA ~sert Hu~stb~ Chairman NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the owners of the p~ope~ties herein- 'after des~ibed have'applied to the BOARD O~. ADJUSTMENT.of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~-FLORIDA, fo~ the variance as indi~ated pursuant to the p~ovisions of the zoning code of said' Ci%~ ~quests variance f~om: F~ont footage ~equirement of 70t to 50'3 1500 sq. ft. building to 10~6 sq. ft..~ Lots 12 & 15,-Lakeside Gardens Subdivisions as ~eco~ded in Plat Book 8~ Page $7~ Palm Beach County .records. Add~ess: 625 Dimick Road Applicant: F~ank Sanders Request variance from 25 foot ream setback to 20 foot mea~ setback, . East ~ of Lot 10, West .~ of Lot 11, Block 1,.'Civi~ Cente~ Sub- division,.as recorded in Plat Book 12, Page Palm Beach County records. Addmess: Applicant: 641 N.'E. 6th Avenue Rose Ma~eellino .. i:"/(:'~:i':'l~t:ed.i:h'l.s ~.h.~d~day of.'.Feb~Ua~.~,, 1970, BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT h public hea~ing will be held ~elative the above applications by ... the BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT at the City Hall~. Boynton Beach~ Florida~ on Monday~ February 23~d~ 1970 at 5:30 P.M. All in~erested pa~ties are notified to appea~ a.t....said hearing.,i!n' Person o~' by ;%t~o~ney and::: '. ..... .'?' CITY' OF 'BOYNTON BEACH