Minutes 12-31-69}f~LTES OF ~ BOARD OF ADJUSTi~.F ~'.~G i'~LD MOkI~, DECEi'~'.'~.R 31, 1969, AT 5:30 P.M., CITY H_'ALL, BO~ON BEACh;, PRES~ Rober~ Hueston, Cha~ William Yates Jack Ridgeway George Davis Ezell Hester, Alternate Robert Olds, 7~lternate Jack W. Ba~e~, Deputy Building Official AB~T Curtis Weaver Regula~ meeting called to order at 5:38 P.?~. I~finutes of last meting approved as written. Mm. Hueston read application of Alice %~ite to the Board. ~. Robert L. Loomis, 26 S. E. ~th St., Boca Paton, Florida, the official repre- sentative of Mrs. White, addressed the Board. ~;~le an~ered questions of the Board. Mm. Nicholas D. Athans, P. O. Box 155, Westbury, long Island, New York, came forwamd as the only objector present. He told the Board that he thought they should uphold the zoning la~.,~ of the City. His pmim~ objection was that there is other available land in the vicinity that meets zoning requirements. He identified this property as his ~,~, across New Boynton Road from the land in q%mstion. He said his property was approximately 600" x 908'. Mm. Yates asked I~¥. loomis about the 8' ultiw, ate right-of~-way easement across the north side of the %~ite proper~y, which would reduce the Congress Avenue dimension from 16~' to 15~'. Mr. Jack Barrett, Deputy Building Official, appeared and answered questions from the Board ~egarding the intent of the Ordinance. ~tion by ~. Yates, seconded by ~. Hester, to allow the variance. Motion amended by ~. Yates to limit variance to read constmuction must begin in six months, accepted by ~im. Hester. The vote in favor of the variance was unanimous. The Board's reasons for approving variance ~ere: That property had been zoned for the intended use for years and that recent zoning will in effect prevent use of site as a filling station and that no furdd~er addition to the property is available, due to the canal right-of~,~ay on the north side, and finally, that the site exceeded the or~!inance minimum of 175' by 25' along Boynton Road, and that the total area of the laud (32,800) almost doubles the ordinance minimum._ of 17,500. -1- I~was furd~.er noted b~ the. Board ~8.t no ~'~j~ tO adjacent p~operqry was apparen~ ~o ~hiS Va~ian~e~ an~ ~a~ the in~ent of the zOnln[ or~Linance was heine upheld. M~. Hueston thanked Board members for their cooperation the past year. The Board commended ~, Hueston for his leadership and work dumiug 1969. The meeting was adjourned at 6:05 P.M. Robert Hu%Ston, Chazrman ' }iinutes Board of Adjustment December 29, 1969. -2-