Minutes 09-08-69PP~SFA~f
Ro~r~ h~ueston~ Cha~an
George Davis
Jarl< Pidgeway
wJ ~ q i~ Yates
FUller, ~Puil ~.' g Official
Curtis Weaver
Meeting opened at 5:30 P.?L by CbC. an.
Pm. Olds satin place of ?~. Weaver.
~.~otion made by i,~ir. Olds and seconded by ~. Yates to accept minutes from
last meeting, as ~.<~itten. F~tionear~iedby~l] present.
Parcel 2:
Request a variance in front footage requirement
from 70 feet to 30 feet (corner lot) Lot 47,
Coquina Cove subdivision, recorded in Plat Book 24~
Page 14, Pa~, Beach Countyrecor~.
Address: 830 Shore Drive
~.mer: Cyril Plas
Henry Rabba from Broderick Construction appeared for petitioner.
p lained that lot was platted before Ordinance on Zoning was passed and a
front foot variance is needed to make use of the property. All setbacks
required by Zoning Ordinance will be observed. ~1t other building re-
strictions will be obsemved. Plot plan submitted and studied by the Board.
Chairman called for any objectors to come forward f_~om audience or by
~. Ridgeway made motion to grant variance. Seconded by ~'~m. Yates. All
membems voted to carmy motion. Variance granted.
Parcel 3:
Request a variance Lo_ front footage requirement from
75 feet to 50 feet, Lot 2, Block 1, Meeks g gndreh~ Subdivis-
ion~ recorded in Plat Book 5 ~ Page 84, Palm Beach County
Address: 335 N. E. lt5h Avenue
Owner: Nathanie! Robinson
Board of Adjustment
September 8, 1969
Nathaniel Robinson came fo~ard to explain that the Planning Board
and City Council had rezoned his property to R-2 in order to qualify
for a multiple family whi~a he wants to bt~ld. There is no adjacent
property for sale in order to increase his lot size. Requests variance
from. 75 feet front foot requirement to $0 feet in order to build
rm31tiple family. Lot wsz plotted and recorded before Zoning Ordinance
was passed. Property owned since before ordinance. ~'~ltiple family is
in keeping with several others in this area. Plot plan submitted and.
studied by the Board.
Petitioner desires to live in one unit and rent the others, lot is
50' x t50'. Ail other zoning and building restmictions ~,~11 be met.
There were no objectors by mail or in audience.
Board, discussed lot size, setbacks, etc.
i'~btion made to grant variance by ~'.~. Davis. Seconded by ~2m. Olds. Ail
voted aye and variance gmanted.
Parcel 1: Request a variance in front and rear setbacks as follc~Ts:
Front - From 10 foot setback to 0 foot.
Rear ~- From 20 foot setback to 7~!/2 foot.
Lots 2, 8 g 6~ Block 2, Roberts Addition Subdivision,
recorded in Plat Book i, Page 51, Palm Beach County records.
Address: 619 North Federal Highway
Bpplicant: Donald N. Besecker
Don Beseeker can~ forward and explained that be requested a varis_nee
to build a new Goodyear Store on the above property. Petitioner also
~s Lots 1~ 4: ~ ~ which are in front of area where store is proposed.
There is a 20 foot right-of-way for a street or alley, be~.~een these
lots and lots 2~ 8 and 6, which was dedicated m%hen plat was filed many
years ago. This right-of~^~ay has never been developed and is not usable
at present. The front lots numbers 1, 4 and 5 are not practical
for building use due to shall~ depth and zoning restrictions. Petitioner
proposes to pave 20' right-of-w~! and front lots for use as parking and
fop ~n advertising sign. There is a question whether the right-of-way
lots is a street or alley. There is a city sewer under this right-of-
way with a manhole adjacent. ~. Besecker will _Dave at his expense.
There is some question as to whether actual tr~e front of buildJmg would
ba as it would partly depend on whether right-of-way is a street om alley.
Mr. Arnold Stroshein, 611 N. E. 6th ~.venue e&.me forward and inspected
proposed plot plan. He stated he is in favor of new building provided it
has proper off-street parking. Parking area is much better than old
building which has inadequate parking.
- 2-
Board of Adjustment
September 87 1969
Mr. Joe Harless, West Pa~ Bead~ came fo~Tard as an objector. He ~.~s
lots South of petitioner's property. These are Lots 7, 10 and 11. Stated
that at one time City had closed 20~ right-of-way without notifying him
and that he had gone to coumt and right-of-way had subsequently been
reopened, l'~. Hatless would like to have n~re street or alley between
front and back lots. He would donate 5' extra to right-of-~ay if petitioner
would do the same. Requested petitioner move his building S' closer to
Railroad Right-of-way and dedieate the 5' so released. He hopes to have a
warehouse %here~ at a future date~ and would need room to turn tractor
trailers. Wants more access to his proper~y. Discussed access to his
property with the Board.
Petitioner came fo~ard and stated that there was a permanent cable on 5'
of b~s property nearest railroad and that this would have to be moved in
order to shift building, No easement is shown but there could possibly be
easement by prescription. Mr. Besecker stated he also needed tractor
trailers to bring his supplies in, but would rather have this room on the
railraod or West side of property. There is more room there for delivery.
Goodyear has stated that he needs the size store proposed to h~ndle th~
work load, Best toeation for sera-ice is as sh~ on proposed plot. Board
studied proposed plot plan~ and pictures presented by ~. Beseeker.
Further discussion on pros and cons made by Board.
Chairman then called for any- other people in the audience, for or against,
to come forward. There were no more people from the audience.
Chairman requested a motion be made.
Motion made to grant requested variances, by ~,~. Ridgeway and seconded by
Kr. Davis. There were no further questions before vote was taken. All
present voted aye and variances granted.
Motion to adjourn made by ~, Yatesz~m~seqond~y l~. Ridge;ay. All
Ro~e~t Hue§~on~ Chsirman" ~