Minutes 08-11-69R']]~rOTES 0¥ TH~ BOARD OF ADJUSI~'"~f~ ['~ETING HELD MONDAY, AUGUST 11, 1969, AT 5:30 P.M. CITY ~LL, BOYNT@~ BEAQ~-, FLORIDA. PRESCOTT Robert Hueston, Chair~n William Yates Robert Olds, Alternate Ezell Hester, Alternate Stuart Fuller, Building Official ABSZ-~ Jack Ridgeway George Davis Curtis Weaver Motion to accept minutes from previous meeting, as vmitten, made by l~. Yates, seconded by ~gm. Hester. Approved by all present. NEW BUSINESS Parcel 1. Request rear setback variance requirement from 25 feet to 8 feet, Lot 39~ Boynton Isles sub= division~ recorded in Plat Book 25~ Page 34, Palm Bea~ Co~ty records. Address: Applicant: 945 Isle Road° ..Andre Vendette Mayor Gallo represented petitioner on request'. Explained that Vendette had called Building Depa_~tment ~nd ~"~. Barrett informed him that he only needed 8 foot setback. ~mis was done under the imp_ress- ion that ~here was a pool on ~nis lot. Mayor Gallo explained that this lot was only 90' x 100' and was shallow for a 25 foot setback at rear. C~m~.~t extend at rear as is located on a finger canal. Questioned why a screen enclosure could only be built with 25 foot setback unless it enclosed a pool and th~n could go ~,~[thin 8 feet of property line in rear. As patio now existing, petitioner would like to enclose it with screening. If 25' setback foll~,~ed, would only be able to have an enclosure of ten feet in width2 Col. Wehrell came forward to state that petitioner could have a ten foot enclosure without infringing on ordinance. Emelosures existing Jm neighborhood at present enclose a pool. Would affect the vision of lot next door if a residence is built ~o. ere. Col. l~[ehrell does not consider the case is a hardship. M~s. Stein, 947 Isles Road ca~_e fozwardto state that she would not object to a screen enclosure only, but would not like any other con- struction %here. Bndre Vendette, 945 Isles Road, petitiener arrived mhd stated that the proposed enclosure would be same type as ew~sts around ~s~ Stein's pool. Restated points brought out by ~-~ayor Gallo. Ten foot enclosure Minutes Plarming g Zoning Board Bugust 11~ 1969 would not be wide enou~, for family. Pequests 26 foot enclosure. }~, Hester raised question as to ~.~at difference ben,Teen a pool screen enclosure and regular enclosure, One has 8 foot setback and oth~_r has 25 foot setback. Was informed ~at planner and Planning and Zoning Board were working on these setbacks at present and hoped to have a new ordinance shortly. Chairman Hueston read a list of objectors into the record., ODe contained 17 n~mes and was submitted by Col Web/ell. Two others against and one for variance. Chairman then opened floor for motion. Mr. Yates made motion to deny on basis that no hardship involved, seconded by ~'~. Olds. Chairman called for discussion and no fumWcher discussion held. All present voted aye to d~ny variance. Vote 4-0. t'~otion to adjourn made by M~. Yates and seconded by ?~. Oldso Ail voted Robert ..Hu~stbn~ Chsirman