Minutes 07-21-69MINLrIES OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMiNT P,~ZTt~IG HELD MONDAY, JULY 21, 1969, AT 5:30 P.M. CITY HALL, BOI~ BEACH, FLORIDA. PRESENT Robe~t Huest~n, Chairman ~eoPge Davis Jack Ridgeway William Yates Curtis Weaver Robert Olds, Alternate Fuller, Building Official Eze!l Hester, Alternate MEeting called to order at 5:30 P.M. by Chairman Hueston, Chair~n introduced Board to audience. P~rcei 2. Request front footage variance from 80 feet to S0 feet, Lot 32, Block 4, Lake Addition Subdivision, recorded in Plat Book ll, Page 71, Palm Bead~ County records. Address: 637 N. E. 8th Avenue O~er: M~s. Ada M. Shook Mrs. Shook came forward ~o explein that she had ~ed subject lot since long before presen~ zoning ordinance. Lot is only 50 feet wide, but houses the_re are built on same size lots. ~Io proper~y adjacent is available fo~ sale to widen lot. Fh~s. Shook ~:~ishes to build a single family residence and would meet all other restrictions, inclu ~ding square footage and setbacks. Because of ~nis, requests variance on front footage from 60 feet to 50 feet. Motion to grant made by M~. Weaver., seconded by Mr. Yates. Dm~ended to grant providing all other building and zoning regulations met. voted aye and motion carried. Parcel No. i: Request side setback variance, West 1/2 of Lots 19 $ 20, Block 8, Gulf Stream Estates, Plat No. 2, Subdivision, recorded in Plat Book 13, Page 51, PaLm Beach County records; as fotlcws: East side setback from 7~t/2 'ft.to 6 ft. and West side setback from 12-1/2 ft. to 12 ft. 3 in. Address: 328 S. E. 34th Avenue Applicant:Jack G. Waldie Minutes Board of Adjus?mm~ July 21~ 1@69 Variance on side setbaeks~ ~. Waldie cars ~efore the Board and explained that this was the sams request he had made on a similar lot on the comer in the same Subdivision. Requested 3 inch variance on one side and one foot six inches on othem, finns adjacent lot and will adjust house when built there to get ~mximum separation between houses. ~is is the last comer lot he c~s in this area. Lot size as platted was 70 feet by 100 feet and had to ~et necesssl-y house on this small a lot when corner setbacks are necessary. Board had cliscussion on above request. Motion made to grant variance by l.~. Yates e~nd seconded by M~. Ridgeway. · ~ot.on carried g to l, with ~o Davis voting no. Mo..on made by I~' Yates snd seco~3~Mr. Riclqeway to approve minutes from previous meeting as ~~f ~Ai~ v.?t?d ~~e~. ~-