Minutes 06-30-69M!~KffES OF T~_',~', BO~AP~q OF AhYJSTP~,~ !~LD MONDAY~ J~'.~ 30~ 1969, AT 5:30 P.PL CITY HALLs BOYNTON B ,EACH~ FLOP(IDA. PRES~T Robert Hueston~ ~hairman Jack Ridgeway George Davis William Yates Ezell Hester, Alternate Stuart Fulter~ Bui!d~mg Official ABS~ Curtis Weaver Robert Olds Meeting called to order at 5:80 P.M. by Chai~n Hueston, Mr. Davis made motion that minutes from last meeting be approved as %~itten~ Seconded by P~. Ridgeway. Ail voted aye. OLD BUSINESS Request variance in rear set-ba~k requirements Lot 7 Block 2, Rolling Green, 2nd Addition Subdivision as recorded in Plat Book 24~ Page 155~ Palm Beach County Records, Address: 189 N. E. 15th Avenue O~mer: ~frs. Mardelle Pitcher Request varimnce from 8' to ~' fop screen enclosure. Petitioners came forward and explained that variancewas wanted in order to enclose pool and have room. to use cleaning equipment. Pool used for therapy as ~er has had heamt attack and can't work. ~. Davis explained that Boamd can only act to extent that a hardship is involved and stated that a one foot variance would give i%,.~ feet of walk on this edge in addition to one foot coping. Petitioner stated it would be hard to use cleaning tools in %%~o feet. I'~. Davis snd ~. Yates bot>_ stated that they had had similar walks around pools and had been able to clean pool OK. Discussion held by Board andmotion made by lf~. iance to enable petitioner~ to have a ~ walk, second. P~dgeway to grant a var~ Motion died from. lack of Motion ~en made by Davis to grant a variance of one foot to a seven foot setback. Motion seconded by ?~. Hester, Vote ~as 4 to Ridgeway against, Motion carried. Ifinutes Board of Adjustment J~ne 80, 1969 L~W BUSI~.~SS Parcel 1: Request following variances: (a) Rear setback variance from 25~ to 22v4TM -~ a variance of 2 v 8;~. (b) Front footage requirement from. 70 (Odd shaped lot) Lot 40, Harbor Estates Subdivision~ as recorded in Plat Book 21~ Page 98 ~ Pslm Beach County records. Address: 836 East Drive ~gner: W.H. Da Camara Fir. DaC~nara came fo~ard and explained that lot in question was odd shpaed lot of record: Very sn~mll frontage on street. Petitioner explained site plmn and house ,plan to Board. Lot so shaped that if front set-ba~k is held, rear will be 2 '-8~? off of required set~ back. If house is angled~ can't use driveWsy because of small frontage on street. Board. held discussion. No objectors present. Suggested that this be made in ~o motions. Motion made by F~. Yates to grant front variance~ seconded by tqr. He'stor. All voted aye. 2 '~8'~ rear variance discussed further. So~e question that view of lot next door might be obstructed brought out by ~. Davis. 1-~. Yates stated that deed restrictions on rear lots in this area was only 10~. Further, other similar variances have been granted in past. ?~as lot of record and short, odd shaped. Motion by ?~. Hestor to grant rear variance as re.~uested, seconded b_v ~. Ridgeway. Vote was 4 to 0 for, with 1~. Dav~ absts/ning. ~tion carried. Motion to adjourn by Fro. Yates, seconded by ~'¥. Ridgeway. Ail aye. Robert Hueston ~ Chai~an