Minutes 06-23-69~fRfOTES OF THE BOARD OF ADJUS~ k~ETING ~LD -MONDAY, JOT.~ 23, 1969, CITY HALL, AT 5:30 P'M. BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA. PRES~ Rober~ Hueston, Chairman George Davis William Yates Robert Olds, Alternate Ezell Hester, Alternate Stuart Fuller, Building Official ~-~---Ridgeway Cur~s Weaver F~eting called to order at 5:30 P.M. by Chairmen Hueston. Minutes from. last meeting approved as ~,mitten. BUSINESS Parcel 2: Request variance in ~nt footage requirements: (a) Lot 5, g E 7' of Lot 6~ Block 8 (b) W. 36' of Lot 7 ~ E 21' of Lot 8, Block 8 (c) W 22' of Lot 9 g E 35~ of LOt 10~ Block 8 (d) W 29' of Lot 8 g E 28' of Lot 99 Block 9 (e) W 15' of Lot 10 g E ~2' of Lot 11, Block 9 Ail J~ Bellamy ~Ieights Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book 13, Page 62, Palm. Beach County Records. Addresses: 420, 428, 433, ~38 g 441 S. W. 10th Avenue ~er: William Allan Mr. Allan requested variance on front footage requirements for five lots. He explained that these lots were bought in 1961 before the present ordinance and that they could be used for building at that time. Under present ordinance, they can't be used as they are thmee feet under requiremtns in the width. Discussion and clarification held by Board. Motion made by Mm. Yates and seconded by bY. Hester to grant vari- ance. All voted aye and motion carried.. All setbacks, etc., presently applicable in motion. Parcel 3: Request rear set-back requirements Lot 1~, Block 4, Rolling Green 1st Addition s~bdivision ~ ~corded in Plat P~ok 24~ Page 86~ Palm. Beach County Adch~ess: 1609 N. E. 1st Street Ovmer: Howard E. Ennis g Gall Ennis -1- Minutes Board of Adjus~nentMeeting June 23, 19S9 ~. Ennis requested a rear set-back variance in order to build a 16' x 20' utility room. A letter from Clark ~nd Kathryn Williams for the variance was recorded. These are neighbors at the rear of the property in question. Board discussed this matter with l~r. Ennis at length and pointed out to him that he could build proposed room on side~ without a variance, or could turn it opposite to his plan~ without a variance. Board could find no hardship in this request, after mn~h discussion. Motion to deny request made by ~. Davis and seconded by ~¥o Hestor. B211 voted aye and motion carried. Parcel 1: Reuqest variance in rear set-back requirements Lot 7 Blod~ 2, Rolling ~reen~ 2nd Addition Subdivision as recorded in Plat Book 2~ Page 155, PaLm Beac. h County ~ecords. Address: 139 N. E. 15th Avenue ~er: ~s. Mardelle Pitcher Variance in rear setback requested for construction of screened patio for pool enclosure. Board discussed this request at length. There were none present for or against request. Motion made to table this request and have City Clerk notify~'~rs. Pitcher to be present at June 30thMeeting to furnish more infor~ mat_ion made by?~. Olds and seconded byMr. Davis. Motion carried 4 to 1, with Yates dissenting. Motion to adjourn by~. Olds, seconded by~. Davis. All voted aye and motion carried. Board requested Building Department to m~ite au outline of what is a hardship, to present to people~gPt~Y~mg~'f-°r v~iances. ~ert Hues~on, C~nairman -2-