Minutes 05-26-69P~SS~ Robert Hueston~ Chairman George Davis !~'Tilliam Yates Jarl< P~dgeway Curtis ¥Teaver Stuart B. Fut!er~ Building Officisl Robert Olds Ezell Hester Fieeting called to order by Chai_~man ~iueston at $: 80 P.M. NE'%t BUS LYESS Parcel !: Variance in front foota~e requested. Lot 2 ~ Block 2, ~[eeks and I~nd~,.~s Addition Subdivision~ as recorded in Plat Book 5~ Page 84~ PafL~ Beach County records Address: 2 35 N. E. !lth Avenue ~mer: Brlene }Rller }fr. Hester represented his Grand~.~o~.er~ ;~lene PRller. Stated. that it was theim desire to build a triplex that would be similar to on 10th Avenue, This building ~muld meet all other City requirements~ parking~ setbad~s~ etc. Lots nearby have multiple family ~ellings and su~h uses ~e already existing in the neighbomhood. Lot 50~ × 150~ deep. One letter of opposition was read and recorded. A petition for grsntLng the variance, containing several na.mes~ was read and entered. Discussion held by Board memLers. Seconded by Mr. Weaver. ~tion mad~ by ~. Ridgeway to. grant the variance./ All voted to approve. ~'?J~utes from Previous ~reeting motioned for approval~ as ~mitten, by ~.~. Weaver and seconded by Fro. Yates. Afl1 voted aye. Robert Hueston, Ch~imm=nn