Minutes 05-12-69!,~t,,,TUTES OF THE BOARD OF I'~Y 12~ 1969~ AT 5:80 PP,.ESEi'~ Robert ~ueston, ~hai~._an William Yates Jack Ridgeway Curtis Weaver Robert Olds, Alternate Ezell Hester~ A!temate Stuart B. Fuller, Buitdin~ Official -George Davis ~[eeting called to order at 5:~0 P.M. by Chai~an Hueston. ~'btion made to approve miuutes of last ~meeting, as ~itten, by Lk~tis Weaver, seconded by I~Yilliam_ Yates. ~1 voted aye. Motion carried. NEW BUSZ\qESS Parcel 1: Request for variance Ln rear setback op. South Road, by Fr~k E. Roush. Legal: Lot 24, Harbor Estates Subdivision, as recorded Ln Plat Pook 21, Page 98: Palm Bead-~. County records Address: 82t South Road. ~mer: Frapk E. Roush. Chairman Hueston read the request as set forth, mud a letter from tYk,. Roush. Letter from. Igr. Memket, for variance, read and entered Ln the record. A letter from several property o~mers, for the varisnce, was read ~nd filed for %he record. It was determined that Mr. Merkei lived nearby on Lot 8. No objectors were present. Discussion was held by the Board and it was deter~.ined that a precedence has been previously set Ln ~is 8rea, as the lots are very shall~. ~. Ridgeway made a motion to approve the variance based on the shall(~, depth of +~hese lots, whid~ were recorded before the present zoning ordinsnce ~.ras adopted. Motion was seconded by ~?r. Veaver ~.~!fES BO.a2'J) OF AIXIUST~'~T .~4AY 12 ~ 1969 and all voted aye. ~otion c~r~mied. Mo~ion to adjourn voted at 5:40 P.M. R ri~P~Tues ton ~ Chairmgn