Minutes 04-14-69MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING HELD MONDAY, APRIL 14, 1969, AT 5:30 P.M., CITY HALL, BOY~rfON BEACH, FLORIDA. PRES~ Robert Hueston, Chairnmn Jack W. Ridgeway George Davis Ezell Hester, Alternate Robert Olds, Alternate Stuart Fuller, Building Official DECLINED TO SERVE: Curtis Weaver William Yates OLD BUSINESS Motion was made by Mr. Davis to approve minutes of the last meeting. Seconded by Mr. Ridgeway. Unanimously carried, NEW BUSIN]~SS Parcel 1: Request Variance in rear setback require- ments, Lot 11, Block 3, Seacrest Estates Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book 24, Page 245, Palm Beach County recorc!s. Address: Owner: 140 S. E. 27th Court Mps. Jack D. New-ton Mrs. Newton cams forward to describe the location of the pool and bath- ho~$e. She also stated that Detray Pool secured the permit for the pool. They also drew the plans up for the structure, after the stop order had been issued sometime before Christmsn, 1968. Mr. Davis asked if there had been any objections from the surmounding neighbors. No objections had been raised. Mr. Ridgeway stated that due to t_he fact that there was no pl~bing for washing, etc., he felt the structure should be allowed to stand. Mr. Davis made a ~otion that variance be denied because the structure was only 8 feet from the property line and no building permit had been secured. Mr. Olds seconded. Four were Ln favor, one opposed. Further discussion was held. The dimensions of the struc~ were given and the footing was dis- cussed. The Board concluded that if variance were granted in this case, it should be in others, and they were in violation to the building and zoning codes. -1- Minutes Board of Adjus~nent April 14, 1969 Mr. Ridgeway rescinded his desire to let the structure stand, No forthcoming motion was made, therefore, the original motion could stand. The motion was unanimously carried. Mr. Hueston then amnounced to Mrs. Newton that the structure will have to be taken down, Motion was made to adjourn the mee~i~g~Motion was seconded and un- -2-