Minutes 03-24-69PSNI.5~S OF THE BOARD OF AD3USTiYENT t~ETING HELD MONDAY, MARCH 24~ 1969~ .iT 5:30 P.M.~ CITY HALL~ BOY~r0N BEACH~ FLORIDA~ PtPESIit~ Robert Hueston, Chairn~n George Davis William Yates Ezetl Hester, Alternate Robert 01ds, A2ternate ABSENT Jack Ridgeway Curtis Weaver Stuart Fuller, Building Official Mmeting called to ordem at 5:30 P.M. by Chai~nan Hueston. P~nutes from previous meeting approved as written. .~tzon to approve by Mr. Yates ~ seconded by ~. Davis° Ail voted aye. Request for variance in rear and side set-backs made by Mr. Gerald Staley. lots 16 g i7~ Block 7 B~ers Park Subdivision Address: 221~225 S. E. 5thB~enue Applicant: Gerald R. Sta!ey. Mr. Staley came fozward and explained that property is presently zoned C-2 ~nd used for Air Conditioning Sa!es, Insts!!aticn and Service. Not much hammering noise anymore~ as ducts are mostly made of fibregtass now~ His new addition, would require a variance in rear to 11'-6" ~d a ~lde variance to 7~0". t]~is would be in order to utilize ares. for expanding business. Access to ~ar for utilities and. fire fighting oould be l~d thrml the F.EoC. right-of-way. Building presently u~ed as office and shop area to remain and building to East to be removed to mske room for new structure. Existing building has orfly 7'~6" rear set-back and zoning requirements were not s~m when he purchased property. No objector~ were present snd the only letter on recd~d was from the ~ather~s fom ~e granting of this variance. Board had short discussion and Chairman Hueston called for a motion. Motion to approve made by Davis and seconded by ~,~. Hester. Ail voted aye. MINb'I"ES BOARD OF AD3U~ MARCH 2q., 1969 Motion to ammend motion to have work staz~ted in 90 days made by M~. Davis and seconded by M~. YateS. All voted aye. M~. Staley presented Board with plan showing what he intended to do on Motion to adjourn bY ~. Yates, seconded by M~. Davis. Carried by all pres - enu. Hues :on'; ........ -2-