Minutes 03-17-69MINUI~S OF THE BOARD OF ADJUST~ FEETING HELD FDNDAY, MARCH 17, 1989, AT 5:30 P.M,, CITY HALL~ BOYNTON BEACH, PRESENT Robert Hueston, Chairman William Yates Jack Ridgeway Ezell Heste~, Altez~te Robert Olds, Alternate Stuart B. Fuller, BuildLng Official George Davis Curtis Weaver Meeting called to orde~ at S: 30 P.M. by Chairman. Minutes from previous meeting accepted as wrdtten. Motion to approve by M~. Yates, seconded by M~. Ridgeway. Approved by all. Request for variance ~_ ~ 50' lot front by Leon H. Moquin, for sale. Lot 3, Block 27, Bowers Pa~k Subdivision Address: 112 S. W. 10th Avenue Applicant: Leon H. Moquin Lot in question is 50' x 135' and has been owned by M~. Moquin since 1953. Was OK to build on at that tLme. ZonJ2ug has changed since then. ~mquesting front width variance only. Other restrictions will be complied with, if granted. One letter of objection on file, from Mr. George D. Smirk, 139 S. W. llth Avenue. Discussion held by the Board. Motion to gr~nt variance made by M~. Ridgeway, seconded byMr. Hueston. Voted aye by all pr~sent. Variance granted. Where applicable, Board requests plot plans be submitted on future requests.