Minutes 03-03-69PP~SEi'~ George Davis. Cumtis ~,~ieaver ~4illiam Yates Robert }'{ueston Robert Olds.~ Dgternate Stuart B. Fuller~ Building Official Ezell Hester~ _,alternate Jae3~ F£d~eway Parcel Request variance Jm, rear set-back requirements Lot 19~ Block 6~ Seacrest Estates Subdivision s~ recorded in Plat Book 24, Page 245~ P~Lm Beach County records. Address: 121 S. E. 28th Avenue Applicant: Lucien A. Samyn ~. ~-.ueston read a letter from ~.'~52. g ?~s. Rex Dehamt stating they had no objection and would go along wi~ the Boe~d if they approved. ~. Samyn came forwamd and advised that he would go along wi~] the Board, but would like to have the house face South.~ to go along with ~]e house on the other corner. ~. Davis moved it be granted, but have at least 15' set--baek in rear. Seconded by 1.~. Weaver. U~animously ear~ied. Parcel 2: Request variance in rear set-back requirements~ Lot 4~ Block 7~ $eacrest Ltills u~dzv~szon as recorded in Plat Book 25~ Page 74 ~ Palm., Beach County records. Address: 514 S, ~4. 28th Avenue B=~ptieant: Alyne F. Thompson ~-~s. Thompson ca~e fo~4ard ~nd stated she w~pts a screened iD_, porch for more family room. ['-fro. Hueston read a letter of objection from Vera M. De,.nne, asking that the Board deny request for variance. ,~. Yates moved it be granted to a 15~ rear setback. ~"fm. Olds seconded. Unanim~ous ly carmied. Ninu~es Board of Adjus~t N~h 8~ 1969 ~e motion was an~,nded, regarding !,~. Sa~Tn and Nfs. ~o~on's request, that this was no~ ~ransferable. If they sold ~his property in The ful~re, this request would be void. ~. Davis nmde f~is motion. ~{r. 01d~ seconded. Un~i~ously carried. Unoffzczai discussion was held. }~. Weaver moved ~hat the %~il~en ninuTes of the previous ~eetzn~' v be approved, Nm. 01dS secOnded. Un~n~ously ca, Pied. ~M. Davis moved to adjourn the meeting. Nm. Weaver seconded. Meeting adjourned at 6:10 P.M RoD~r~ HueS~-0n~ Ch~irm~n