I,,~ZLD t"~Oh]lAY~ J~,IUARY 27~ 1969'~ AT 5:30
Ppis -~,~
George E~vis
Robert ?Iueston
Cur~s Weaver
Willi~. 'fates
Eze!l t!ester, Aitermate
Robert Olds~ Alternate
Stuar~ B. Futler~ Building Official
I.'[eeting called to order at 5:85 P.~q by Chsirm..an~ P~dgeway.
Floor thro%~ open for n~inations for new officers by Ridg~ayo
Robert Hueston non~inated for ~airm~n by George Davis. Nomination
seconded by ~. Yates. Curtis Weaver moved that nomination be closed.
Motion to elect Rober~ Hueston carried by all present.
Cumtis Weaver no~7~iuated for Secretary by William Yates. Motion seconded
by -george Davis. ~{~. Weaver elected by all present.
1,~. Yates nominated by t'!r. Davis for Vice Chai~. Motion seconded by
~ Hueston. ?~. Yates elected b~v all present.
Organization completed and Chaimman introduced Board Wembe~s to the
Parcel 1:
~equest vari&nce to allow 50 ft. iots~ West 1/2 of
Lot 6~ Lot 7, ~ud E 1/2 of tmt 8, Block 27,
Bowems Park Subdivision~ as recorded in Plat Book
11, Page 57, Palm. Bead~ Co%u~.t~y records.
Address: 126 S. W. 10th Avenue
Applicant: William Weinstock
Mr. Weinstod< c~me forward to request lot frontage variance at 126 S.
10th Avenue. Mm. Weinstock stated that the t00' lot~ as presently
existing was too big for retirement homes. Most elderly people do not
want such a large yard as it ~ntails too much upkeep. S~aller lots
make less rmmintenance~ etc.
Chai~n stated anyone else in audience for Weinstock request please
come fo~ard. Ho response.
Chairman then read a letter from George and Marie Smirk, locsA property
o~mers~ opposJ~g the varisnce as detrimental to the neig~aborhood,
!,'~. Roux~ builder~ came fo~ard ~d stated ~ae~ he had not been all~ed
to build on S0~ lots ~d ~at he objected to varying the Ordinance to
pezm~it ~is ~type building. Stated that he e~hatically objected.
[,~o Gr~'~am ~acey came foz~,~ard as ~n objector. He is against use of
50' tots. Stated ~at Mm. WeJmstock had no hardship as he purchased
property vez~y reasonably. Said he paid $1~500.00 for house and. lot and
was given $200.00 by B-ar~ to remove old house. Shows no financial hard-
ship~ e'te.
~. Weaver stated lfi~at ~e c~ncept of granting a vamiance to use lots
for elderly retirement homes was not valid~ as there was nothing to
prevemt i~[?. ?,Teinsto~k from building ~nd sellLng to younger people.
I~. Yates asked about fact ~at lots were originally plarmed for $0'
lots? What if someone had only one lot and com!dn~t obtain more property?
Several Bos_~d members stated ~ais would be a different %~.,?e ease and
has to be judg?ed as separate case.
Weaver made motion to depy variance. Motion d~ed for lack of second°
Ch~mrm?~n 'EaCh asked for ~ny other motions, l~one were made and Chair-
,man denied Variance because of lack of motion to approve~ it being
necessary to get a majority to carry a variance.
~. Weaver made a motion ~at ~;inutes of ]~st meeting be approved
~itten. Seconded by t~. Yates. Approved by all present.
Motion to adjourn made by ~!r. Davis ~~ed by ~r. Weaver,
Rober~ ~sto~, Ch~_irm~an