Minutes 10-07-68~iIL'L'TES OF T[.[~ ~OAB~D OF AII~ ?~NT ~[;TI.U6 [~ELD i~.;'ONDAY, OCTO.~EP. 7, 1968
AT 5:50 PJ"., CITY ~, Y/J~TOi'! D~:':, FLCL",i~A,
Jac?,: R~dge~ray, ~'~irman
Curtis ~ ~eaver
Ray ~llen
Geor[~ Davis
billim~ Yates
Robert l~ueston (alternate)
Stuart ~. Fuller, Euilding Official
George ~avis disqualified Limself as conflict of interest.
i?. i?idgeway opened the r,~eeting and. ~ntroduced the ~:enbers of t~ke ~ard.
~'ihmtes of last ;:,~etLnf.: ?~r. Yates r~oved tJmt the read/mC of the minutes
of tile last meetin£ he di%~ensed wif'~. Seconded by i:~. Fueston. ~ani~us!y
Parcel No. 1:
~equest variauce ~ setba~c requirements
f.ast 1/2 o£Lots 1 ~ 2, ~lodc !5, Ct~f Strear-
~states Subfivision~ as recorded in Plat
i2~ok 13, Page 51~ Palm Bead"~ Cotmty records.
Address: 245 S. L. 34th Avenue
Applicm%t: Jack G. i.?al.die
}..tr. Ridgewa:f advised the present zmfn£' require~mnts are, ~-L~,. :?aldie plus
show 6' fro~. the :.;:est prol:,erty l~e, 12'3:~ fr~ ~he ~t prope~ line.
~quire~nts on the comer lots are suds_ ~at tbey c~not ~et ~:,e house on
fi'~e lot ~d also ~,eet ~m ~quirements. TLey wmnt to put a 2 ~ed~m ~
~.,¥. Jad~ /aldie c~'~ fon.~mrd and advised t~e ~oard that in order to ~'et fl'~e
house on ~J.~e lot, w~ do }:ave to have a setbad: variance. ~':.e ~ouse due
~'~est on fl-~is ?articu/ar l.,ropert¥ is better tAan 8' fro~:~ ~.e property line
and tJmt would give us m~ additional ~ or 7': and it would be only about a
I' difference. ~ere is mp!.roxbnately t~' be~,,,een t]:e houses.
~,'~. Yates: C.~ t/mt house to the ;::;est, was that the s~.~ size as
Mr. ?faldie: Yes.
Discussion held.
Fro. Fuller: ~ey would have to have a screened pord: on t~'~is house in order
to set the squa~ foota~'e. It would be a must.
~. [~taldie: Yes, they will l:.ave to have it built on Lu order to meet ~.e
footaEe requirements for the City.
~fr, Yates ~:~ved variance be granted.
' i '
Seconded ~y thrtis ~?eaver.
BOard of Adjust~'~ent i~,~eeting
~ctober 7, 1968
~,'!r. }iueston moved that the ~_~etinf be adjourned. Seconded by }Jr. ~2!en.
Unanimously carried, i";. eeting adjourned at 6:00.