Minutes 09-09-68MIIfoT~S OF THE BOARD OF AD3US~ ~TING HELD ~DNDAY, SEPT~ER 9, 1968 AT 5:50 P.M., CITY MALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA. PRESENT Jack Ridgeway, Chairman George Davis William H. Yates Robert Hueston, Alternate Stuart B. Fuller, Building Official ABSE%.~r Ray Allen Curtis Weaver George Cummins, Alternate Ezell Hester, Alternate ~k. Ridgewayopened the meeting and introduced the members of the Board. Reading of Minutes: George Davis moved that we dispense with the reading of the ~,iinutes and that they stand as written. Seconded by Robert Hueston. Unanimously carried. BUSINESS Parcel 1: Request variance in front footage (lot width) requirements, Lots 44 ~ 45, Block ll, Chapel Hill Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book 24, Page 111, Palm Beach County records. Address: Owner: 821 & 825 Canal Drive Michael J. ~e Mr. Ridgeway advised that the property is presently zoned R-1AA. Zoning requires 70' frontage and the nature of the variance requested is that the lots are substandard to front footage requirements. Proposed improvement is having homes built. Ward Cumnints, of 100 S. W. 2nd Avenue came forward representing the owner. He advised that these lots are substandard in front footage requirements. There is a lot of area in the lots, but we can't fit a house on the lots as they are, as the front footage will not comply with that required. They are pie shaped lots. ~. Yates asked if they go back to the canal? Mr. Ctumings: Yes. Mr. Yates: About 100' in the rear? I~r. Cummings: I don't remember exactly. The lots are quite ample, but they will not meet the front footage. Mr. Davis: Will all the other requirements be met? Minutes Board of Adjustment ~eting September 9, 1968 Mr. Ctmmings: Yes. Mr. Yates: Do you plan to build a house on each one of these? Mr. Cummings: Yes. 'They are all required to have 7-1/2' on each side. 25' on the front. Mr. Davis: The shape of the lots are a pie shaped lots and it is going to be quite difficult to get a house on there and meet the front footage re- quirements. Charles Lucas,3101 Canal Drive: I live just south of the property. ~. cummings will have to put a lot of fill in the property. I know, as a lot of fill has washed out. When they put the sewers in there, they ran all the water back of these lots and into the canal.' In order to ,get the square feet, the rear of the house will be sitting back on the canal. The front variance doesn't bother me a bit. There will have to be a lot of fill put into the canal. That is all I can say on it. Henry~qarksbery, owner of lot 43, East of'thatproperty came forward. I object to the variance because t don't think it will do the rest of the property any good. I scaled both lots off, but it is substantially the same as you read. Lot 45, I think is 50', and Lot 44 is 60' lot frontage. I don't think it will help any of the property there. In fact, it will detract from it when you come inhere and put in two houses. Mr. Schwartz: I am on the other side of Lucas, on the next lot. t thought if it is possible to put one house there, instead oftwo, it would keep the neighborhood nice, as it woud look a bit crowded with two houses there. Otherwise, I have no objections. My lot is 90'. Just an idea I had. Mrs. Schwartz: With two houses there, wouldn't be room for garages and it would keep the neighborhood cluttered with cars, it would be better to put one house instead of two cheaperhouses on these lots. Mr. Hueston: Mr. Ctm~ings, can you make all other restrictions, except on the front? Mx. Cummings: According to the plat, there is plenty of room there. We couldn't go ahead and build ar~ythinguntil we get a variance for the re- strictions on the front. Mr. Davis: ~at size house would be built there? Mr. Cummings: 1700 square feet and the house would meet all setback re- quirements. ~.~. Ridgeway: Both of the houses will be the same footage? Nr. Cummings: bigger. One house will be lrager than the other, as the lot is mch - 2 - Minutes Board: of Adjustment Meeting September 9, 1968 ~{r. Yates: ~:~r. Lucas, you don't think the rear of the lot is 100' wide in the rear? Mr. Lucas: Yes, when you fill in what has been washed out. It washed a lot of the back away when they put the sewers in. If he sets it back, he will have .to put in a good bit of fill, before he can do anything with it. ~.~r. Yates: rear. Discussion held. ~. Lucas, ~lr. Ctumings has not asked for any variance in the Mr. Lucas: That lOt is definitely curved in the back. Mr. Hueston: moved that we grant this variance provided, ~,fr. Cummings can live within the setback on the rear and on the sides. Seconded by ~r. Yates. Lhanimously carried. Parcel 2: Request variance in setback requirements, Lots 15 ~ 1~, Blo. ck 6, Original To~m of Boynton Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 25, Palm Beach. County records. Address: 100 North ~ederal Highway (~,ner: Standard Oil Company ~../r. Ridgeway advised the zoning now is C-2. Relief from 'lS' setback on Federal Highway for pump islands. Variance of ~' requested. }~idening of Federal Highway and right-of-way taking has reduced the setbacks and left them with a severe sloped area and curtailed use of driveway. Realigniflg. isles for use and putting in new canopy,pump, etc. for modernizing. Mr. Rowan came forward. ~r. Davis. You want to tear the island up and build a new one? Mr. Rowan: ~Ie will have to tear both of them up. He she,,zed on the plans what was going to be done. This island will be no closer to the street than it is already, t~le are just moving them apart a little bit a~d puting in a canopy, l~e are going to have to regrade from the street. Mr. Davis: Relocating and grading is not going to change the design. Do you have any 'idea hc~ long that old pump island has been there? Mr. Rowan: Quite some time before the road was widened. ~e gave the State Road Department some property for widening purposes. The SRD did not come th. rough with proper grading. ~.~e feel we should ask for the variance as the ordinance says that. ~Te want to modernize our station on that corner but we can't do it unless we get this variance. Discussion held. -5- Minutes Board of Adjustment }~eting September 9, 1968 Mr. Ridgeway: The l.?est island, how far is it from the building? ~r. Davis: 16'. ~r. Ridgeway: Are you going to have cars driving in there too? Nr. Rm~an: Existing curb is coming out. t~fe would not be willing to move these islands closer together. It is strictly a safety situation and it is too congested otherwise. Mr. Hueston moved that the variance be granted. Seconded by ~{r. Yates. Unanimously carried, ~r. Hueston moved that the meeting be adjourned. Seconded by~r. Davis. ~eting adjourned at 6:10 P.~. ,~a~ck Ridgeway,