Minutes 07-22-68~ffNtrl~S OF Th~ BOARD OF ADJUS~.'~T }~,~TING, ~LD JULY 22, 1968, AT 5:50 P.~L, CITY F~LL, BOI%!TON B.=_AC~.~, FLORIDA Jack Ridgeway, ~it!iam Yates George Davis Ray Allen Ezell Hester, Chairman Alternate Stuart Fuller, Building Official ABSEI~ Curtis Weaver George Cummins, Alternate Robert Hueston, Alternate Mr. Ridgeway opened the meeting and asked for a motion on the minutes of the last meeting. Mr. Davis moved we dispense with reading the minutes of the last meeting. Seconded by Mr. Yates. Unanimously calTied. K~],~T BUS.SS Parcel 2: Request variance for addition in non-conforminguse N 1/2 of Lots 7 thru9 inclusive, Block 11 Original Totem of Boynton Subdi~zision as recorded in Plat Book !, Page 25, Palm Beach County records. Address: 216 S. E. 3rd Street O~er: Kenneth Lyman Mr. Ridgeway advised it is presently zoned C-2 and adding to single fanRly residence in C-2 zoning is non-conforming use. ~e request is an addition to the residence. The hardship is, they need extra space for fancily use. ~e size of the lot is 62.S' x 147'. Mr. Kenneth Lyman came for~mrd and advised the Board the reason for the request is to add. a Florida Room to be used as living space for the family. That is all. It will be added on the back of the house and will be 16' x 24'. Mr. Yates moved it be granted. Seconded by~,{r. Allen. Unanimously carried. Parcel 1: Request variance in front footage (lot width), requirements. S 136.7' of ~ 60' of Lot 6, Block 14, Sawfer's Subdivision as recorded in Pla'~ Book 1, Page 69, Palm Beach County records. Address: 101 E. OceanAvenue Owner: },~s. Helen Shmue Page 1 of 2. Board of Adjustment }~eeting July 22, Mr. Ridgeway aRvised the request is to use the smaller front lot on Ocean Avenue, 28' x 72', for a ~vo story,, four ~nit apartment building. Mrs. Helen Shane, owner, creme ronsard and advised she would like to build this for her mother mud herself. The property looks terrible nm~ and it certainly would help the appearance of the lot (68' front x 120' lot facing Seacrest mud 60' x 157~ on Ocean Avenue.) Mr. Davis advised, at present it requires 75' frontage. ~{r. Yates: "~is Board can't grant a change to 60' frontage." Discussion held. Noted during discussion that setbacks required for right-of-way on Seacrest weuld further reduce lot front to 47-1/2'. Mr. Allen moved that the request be denied. Seconded by ~,~. Yates. Motion carried. }4r. Davis opposed. ~r. Davis moved that the meeting be adjourned. Seconded by ~r. Hester. UnanJmously carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:05 P.M. Page 2 of 2