Minutes 07-15-68~NUI~S OF ~ BOgRD OF ADJU~,~ ~ETI%~G, }~.LD MONDAY, JULY 15, 1968, AT 5:30 Pj.i., CITY HALL, BO~-~rfON BEAG~, ~LORIDA PRBS~r J. W. Ridgeway, Chairm~u Ceorge Davis Curtis Weaver Robert ~aeston, Alternate Bzell Hester~ Alternate Stuart Fuller, Building Official ABSENT ~len William Yates George CummLns, Alternate Mr. Ridgeway opened the meeting, calling for approval of minutes of last meeting. Mr. Davis moved the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. lhanimously carried~ Parcel 1: Request variance in front footage (lot width) requirements, Lot 22, Block 1 Frank Weber Subdivision as recorded in Plat Book 9, Page 5, Palm Beach Cotmty records. Address: 157 N. W. 10th Avenue Owner: Lottie Linton Mr. Ridgeway advised that it was a 50 Ft. lot; requesting 10 Ft. variance front footage. The hardship being the present home burned and there is need for another house on said lot. The plans call for a 2 bedroom. 1 bath house. Charles Rosier came forward to discuss this request with the Board. ~. Ridgeway asked for objectors from the audience. There were no objectors. Mr. Davis moved the variance be granted. Seconded by I~r. Uester. Unanimously carried. Parcel 2: Request variance in lot area. Lots 54, 35, 36, 37, Block 18 Rolling Green, 1st Addition Subdivision as recorded in Plat Boek 24, Page 86, Palm Beach Cotmty Records. Address: 1516 N. E. 4th Court Owner: Congregation of Jehovab.'s Witnesses. Mr. Ridgeway advised it was an R-1 zoning and 1 acre of land is needed for church in Boynton Beach. Page- 1 of 2 Minutes, Board of Adjustment Meeting, July 15, 1968. Claude Dearie Hamby, representing the ~mers cram forward and advised they desire to build a Church building with no additions. There will be 1 parking space for event 4 ahairs. I~re will have seating for 125, having ample room for that much parking. I~e advised they have not opened any schools mx4 don't intend to in ~he future. Delray Congregation subdivided and made two congregations, both meeting in ~J~e Kingdom Hall and we now have fonds to build our o~m building. The building %~11 be 3S' x 70' - ~hat will be the size of the building we will be putting up. Mr. Ridgeway asked for objectors from the audience. There were no objectors. Mr. Davis asked if they were going to seat about 12S people. Mr. Hamby said yes. ~]%ey only have 6S people in the membership at this ti~. Discussion held. Mr. Hester moved that the variance be granted, covering only that Church building, for th~ Jehovahs Witnesses. Seconded by Mr. Davis. ~4r. Heuston abstained from voting since he had a brother-in-lmv as a m~mber of the organization. Mr. Heuston moved the ~eeting be adjourned. Seconded by Mr. Davis. Unanimously carried. ~4eeting adjourned at 5:55 P.M. roes Page 2 of 2