Minutes 06-03-68MI~I'BS OF TI~ BOARD OF AI1PJST~_~,NT I~'~BTING, HBLD ~.(ONDAY, JU~2 5, !968, AT $:50 P.~., CITY AI~, BOY~ff0N B~AG~, FLORIDA. P~S~ J. ~.?. Ridgeway, Chairn~an Curtis Weaver, Vice Chairman Ray Allen, Secretary George Davis William Yates Robert B. Hueston, -Alternate Stuart B. Fuller, Building Official l~'~r. Ridgeway opened the meeting and introduced all members present. Mr. Davis moved t~hey dispense witch the reading of the minutes and that they stand as written. Seconded by k~. Hueston. Parcel 1: Request variance in rear set back requirement, Lot 49, Venetia~ Isle Subdivision as recorded in Plat Book 24, Page 231, Palm Beach Cotmty records. Address: 49 Isles Court O~mer: ~'~ilbur I,.blden Property zoned R-1AA, asking for t0' variance in rear setback,, making it 15' rear setback. Deed restrictions call for 15' setback and on side setback. It is an odd shaped lot 54.10 x 89.58'. Mr. Yates dJzsqua!ified himself from the Board as cm~flict of interest since he was the broker who sold the property. }~r. Hueston replaced him as Alterntte. ~{r. Molden came fomsard to discuss his request with the Board. He gave Fir. Ridgeway a letter to read aloud, quoting from Deed Book 1157 Page 156, showing restrictions to paragraph 2, 6 and 7~ etc., from Architectural Control Committee and signed by },~ynard ~L l~fertz. Mr. I~31den stated that without that 10' we can't put the house on there. It is a modern size house, more thmn 1500 square feet. }4r. b~Iden presented a sketch, on which the Board held a discussion. Mr. Curtis ~¥es~ler moved the request for the 10' variance to permit building on sub-standard let, be grmnted. Seconded by }4r. Hueston, Unm~imous ly carried. Parcel No. 2. Request variance in rear setback requirements, Lot 12, Harbor Estates Subdivision as recorded in Plat Book 21, Page 98, Palm Bea~ County records. Address: 850 North Road (~mer: Stephen P. Jewett~ Jr. Page 1 of 2. ~inutes, Board of Adjust~ent ~qeeting, June 3, 1968 Variance requested to allow anticipated Screened Porch wall within 5' of rear property line. Present setback is 9'. t~r. Clyde ¥¢o~rell advised that he was requested to represent the c~uaer. The ~,ot is 80' deep a~d 7¢00' wide and. ~dae house was constructed with a front 25' setback and on a comer and on the east side 25' setback. The rear of the house faces South and it is 10' according to the sur~,ey. ~ne house is designed with a recessed patio area, projected 2-1/2' into ~he existing 10~ setback. He would like to have 12 to 12-1/2' projected portion out from the house. His rear property is inside the 25' 'requirement right now. It will be an open screened porch. Extension to the existi~g roof of about 13-1/2~. There are S or 6 otJ~ers within this setback line at this time and I feel with the size of the lots generally and flee nature of the construction al- ready there, that fl~is certainly would not be detramental to anyone in the area. Discussion held. ~r. Allen moved variance be granted. Seconded by Curtis ¥!eaver. George Davis abstained. ~,~otion carried. Curtis ?~reaver moved meeting be adjourned. Seconded by George Davis. ~eeting adjourned at 6:~0 Page 2 of 2.