Minutes 05-27-68~,[INLrI~$ OFT HE BOARD OF ABJUST~i,~ }~TING, ~.LD ~,UNDAY, ~AY 2Y~ 1968, AT 5:50 P.~4.~ AT CITY }Y~LL~ BOYNTON B~ACH, FLORItI~, PRESENT J. YL Ridgeway, Chairman ©artis ~%%aver, Vice Chairm~n George Davis Robert E. ~ueston, Alternate Ezell Hester~ Alternate. Stuart B. Fuller, ~uaiahng Official Ray Allen, Secretary I'~filliam H. Yates. Mr. Ridgeway opened the meeting. ~4r. Davis mDved that the ~inutes of the previous meeting be accepted as written witA the correction of k~. Hester had already been an alternate and was not just appointed. Seconded by k~. I~.feaver. Unanimously carried. NER~! BUSIb~SS Request variance on front footage requirements, on the following described property: Lot 19, Block S Lake Addition Subdivision as recorded in Plant Book 11, Page 71 Palm Beach Cotmty records. Address: 624 ~. £. 8th Avenue ~mer: Forest R. Hangge, Mr. Ridgew~y advised that the request was for a 10 foot variance to build a'~side, hca by the existing ~otel. Discussion held by ~_e Board. There was no one present at the ~eeting .other than the men, ers o~ the Board. ~r. Davis stated that the Board checked the property and most of the lots on that street are 50 foot lots and single family houses. Mr. V~eaver moved that the variance be granted that all provisions of R-lA be obeyed and that. it be used as a single family dwelling only. Seconded by ~r. Hester. Unanimously carried. Mr. DaVis moved that the meeting be adjourned. Seconded by Mr. ~eaver. Unanimously carried. ~eeting adjourned at 5:45 P.~,.