Minutes 04-29-68Ji ~7 ~dgeway, Omiman Curtis %~eavcr, Vice Chairm~n C~orge Davis ¥,lilliam H. Yates Ezell Hester, Alternate Stuart B. Fuller, Building Official Ray Allen, Secretary George ~CummRns, Alternate Chairman Ridgeway opened *3~e meeting at 5: New Business Request for variance in rear setbadc requirements on the follc~ing described property: Lot 11 Boynton Isles Subdivision as recorded in. Plant Book 25, Page 34, Palm Beach Coun~.y Records. Address: 946 GreeD. Briar (~er: Robert Carroll. O~mer requested a 21' set back on the main building in the rear, instead of 2S' requirement. ~e size of the lot is 90' x 100'. Chairman Pidgeway read petition dated April 11, 1968, pertaining to this request for variance and si&ned by *~_.e fol!~¢ing named families opposing the variance. Kleist - Sdurader - Biedermer - B~er - Geller - }.{cCaig - Yiu!e - Sd~uesden - Kianz and Johnson. }.'h~. Carroll, the owner, came fo~'ard to explain why he requested the variance The plan of building that they desired called for only a 21' set bade from the bullhead line and would not meet the City requirements of 25', but does meet the requirement in the Deed whid~ is only 20'. The wins that would protrude 4' Ln the rear~ would co~ist only of a guest bedroom. The house itself and the whole lot is situated in' such a way, tJ~at part of the front is taken away by the circular turn in the lot. The house would be the last house on ~he blocl¢. Fie had hoped that he would't have to redesign the building just for this 4' difference. Discussion held. ~'lr. Charles Rosier, Contractor, who will be building the house for Carroll, came fo~ard and asked if this house were brought forward 4', would that make any difference in this matter? T~e horseshoe curve is what causes a hardship in this case. Page 1 of 2 L. M, Bettermens camo fonvard and advised he was one of the signers of the Petition, The reason they are against it is that they don't knew ~hat will come up in the fulure. ~{r. Carroll: ?:hen theY firSt bought the lot, 'Cxey felt that the Deed requirements were fine and they had their plaas made in accordance with the Deed and figured the City WOuld comply, H. eL Cranz c~ne fomvard, He advised he was one of Cae first persons in that area mud everything up to now as far as he Imows has been right up to restrictions mhd he ~muldn't like to see any changes made in the restric- tions. Discussion held~ I~fr. Davis moved that the variance be denied. Seconded by l'..,~. ~reaver. Unanimously carried, i~,btion denied. Discussion held beBveen Mr. Carroll, Ur. Davis mhd i~,ir. Yates, },4r. Davis moved tAat the minutes of the last meeting be approved as written. Seconded by ~,'r. Yates. Lhanimously carried. New Business I'~¥. Fuller, Building Official, requested information from the goard regard- ing a discussion at the previous n'eeting havLng to do with 50' lots. Me advised he has two m. mers of 50' lots who wmt to build duplexes. Does it stand that all requests like this still come before the Board of Adjustment? Discussion h~ld. Davis advised that after reading the instructions in the Zoning Ordin- ance, we would have to have them. brought before the Board. Mr..Ridgeway advised t~hat Robert C. Brand, one of our Alternates on the Board, has resi~ed and that Ezell ~{ester has replaced him as an Alternate on the Board. Mr. Yates moved that the meeting be adjourned. Seconded by kY. l.Yester. Lhanimousty carried. ?,%eting adjourned at 6:15 P.~,~. Page 2 of 2