Minutes 01-22-68MI~P0TES OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ~EETING, ~-~ELD MONDAY, JANUARY 22, 1968, AT 5:30 P.~L AT CITY HALL~ BOY~TOb] BEACH~ FLORIDA PRESENT Ray AIlen Jack Ridgeway George Davis William Yates Curtis Weaver Stuart Fuller, Building Official ALTERNATES ABSENT George Cumins Eze!l Hester ALTEP~ATE Robert C. Brand Mr, Davis opened the meeting° Mr. Ridgeway moved that the reading of the minutes of the last meeting be dispensed with. Seconded by Mr. Yates. Unanimously carried. Request for variance in rear setback requirements on the following described property. Lot 6, Coquina Cove Subdivision as recorded in Plant Book 24, Page 14, Palm Beach County Records. Address: 711 Ocean Inlet Drive Owner: Herbert E. Downs Mr. Downs came fon~ard and advised the width proposed by the contractor for the Florida room he wanted to add on to his home would be adequate, with the 3 feet variance he requested. He said that if he had to do without the 3' they would not be able to add a room that would be wide enough for what they wanted. Mr. Davis read letter from the ~ner of the vacant Lot 6 on the east side of Mr. Downs in agreement with the 3' variance and all the neighbors are in agreement that he be allowed to make this variance. There was no one present, nor were there any letters from anyome protesting this variance. Mr. Allen moved that this variance be granted with the stipulation that it be started within the next sixty (60) days. Seconded by Mr. Ridgeway. Unan- imously carried. ~ORGANIZATION OF THE BOARD Mr. Yates nominated Mr. Ridgeway to be Chairman. Seconded by Mr. Weaver. Mr. Yates moved the nominations be closed. Seconded by Mr. Weaver. Unan- imously carried. Mr. Ridgeway was unanimously voted Chairman of the Board. Mr. Allen nominated Mr. Weaver to be Vice-Chairman. Seconded by Mr. Brand. Mr. Allen moved the nominations be closed. Seconded by Mr. Brand. Unanim- ously carried. - 1- MINUTES- Board of Adjustment Meeting, January 22, 1968 Mr. Weaver was unanimously voted Vice-Chairman of ~he Board. Mr. Yates nominated Mr. Allen as Secretary. Mr. Weaver'moved the mominations be closed. Seconded by Mr~ Yates. Unanimously carried. Mr. Allen was unanimously voted as Secretary of the Board. DISCUSSION HELD RE~RDINC ORDINANCE COVEP~NG THE ZONING CODE. It was agreed that each member of the Board should have an up-to-date copy of the Zoning Code and also a copy of the rules that the Board should follow. Mr. Allen moved that the meeting be adjourned. Seconded by Mr. Yates. Un- animously carried. Meeting adjourned at 5:50 P.M.