Minutes 11-27-67MINUTES OF BOARD OF ADJUSI~ENT ME.,~TING, ~.~ONDAY, NOVEMBER 27,1967, HELD IN CITY HALL~ BOYNTON BEAC}~, FLORIDA, 5:30 P.~£. PRESENT George Davis, Chairman Jack Ridgeway, Vice Chairman William H Yates Robert C Brand Albert McGregor Stuart Fuller, Building Official ABSENT Curtis Weaver - See below. Thomas Dean Mr. Davis, Chairman, opened the meeting. MINUTES Mr. Brand moved that we dispense with the reading of the minutes of the last meeting. Seconded by Mr. Yates. ~Motion carried unanimously. OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: Application from City of Boynton Beach requesting variance in front setback requirements on the following described property: Lot 2, Block 15, Sa%~er's Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book B, Page 68, Palm Beach County Records. Address: 138 East Ocean Avenue Owner: City of Boynton Beach, Department of Recreation Mr. Johnson, Head of the Department of Recreation, came forward and showed the members of the Board the map-type layout and explained it in detail, and advised the Board that there is budgeted the amount for this fence. DiScussion held by the Board and questions asked of Mr. Johnson by the Board. Mr. Davis read letter from Board of Public Instruction of Palm Beach County stating they had no objections and signed by W. C. %~ittmen, Assistant Supt. of Business Affairs. Mr. Davis read letter from Charles M. BoOs, owner of the p~operty immediately adjacent to the above mentioned property on the East wherein he had no objections. Mr. Yates moved that the request be approved and granted. by Mr. Ridgeway, Unanimously carried. Seconded ~fINUTES Board of Adjustment ~{eeting NovemSer 27, 1967 Mr. Davis advised the 2oard that Curtis Weaver resigned as alternate member of the Board. He also advised the members of the Bar-B-Q set for Thursday, December 7, 1967 at 6:30 P.~f. and that the entertainment for the evening would be provided from members of each Board. ADJOURI@~ENT Mr. Ridgeway. -- moved that the meeting be adjourned. Seconded by Mr o Brand. Unanimously carried. Meeting adjourned at 5:45 George Davis, Chairman -2-